possession of cds


Active Member
Just yesterday i got arrested in New Jersey for possession of a c.d.s( controlled dangerous substance). I was wondering if you guys could help me maybe if some one else has had the same happen tell me what is going to happen to me. I only had 2 like 1.3-1.4 blunts on me. Anything would help


Just some idiot
Just yesterday i got arrested in New Jersey for possession of a c.d.s( controlled dangerous substance). I was wondering if you guys could help me maybe if some one else has had the same happen tell me what is going to happen to me. I only had 2 like 1.3-1.4 blunts on me. Anything would help
Why didn't they charge you with possession of marijuana. I don't know that I understand why you got charged with a controlled dangerous substance. I don't think you're looking at 2 much trouble. Maybe some ARD classes and some community services. One bad thing though, probation could entail drug testing. I do not know what part of Jersey you are from but if you are near Philly I have a good lawyer friend that I could get you in touch with, just send me a message and I can give you his name and number, and I'm almost positive he can do law in Jersey, if not he can hook you up with someone who can. Best of luck and remember that mistakes are what we learn from...don't drive around with weed in the car. Was it NJ state troopers? Those guys scare me. I work in Cherry Hill near Camden so I see 'em everyday on my way to and from work.

Also what do you mean by 1.3 blunt, is this 1.3 ounces? If so you might be in some trouble. I know in PA if it is an ounce or over it then becomes a felony, not sure of Jersey. Go here to get some info Marijuana Law Reform - NORML


Active Member
it is 1.3 gram blunt, and i was in belmar and it was down by the town of belmar police and boardwalk bike cops. I live in NY but it happened when i was with my friend when i went to chill with him


Just some idiot
1.3 grams is nothing, you should get some community service and maybe some classes and probation. Relax, I know it's hard but worrying isn't going to help you. Call a lawyer he'll tell you what to expect.


Well-Known Member
if you already had it rolled up...and you werent driving when they caught you...I don't think you should have anything to worry about...just a mere slap on the wrist if anything.


Well-Known Member
if they decide to drug test you on a regular basis theres ways of getting around it, like Vaporisers will stop them from finding carbon dioxide in your blood.

and then theres the fake dick and piss bag for the piss test.


Well-Known Member
im in oz and i know the rules are different but i was cought with a couple of ounces. they took it i went to a dont do drugs speach and thats it. they are power trippin theyll make out its such a big deal but its not really is this your first offence?


Well-Known Member
I was caught with like 3 grams of weed a little over a year ago (In Florida) and they only made me go to court and do Some Community service, but if you have Community Service dont wait till the last second to do it, i waited till i only had like 2 weeks to do 35 hours and they gave me an extension but they were thinking of giving me more time


Well-Known Member
I found the easiest way to get community service out of the way is to basically fit it into your lifestyle. I used to go to church regularly, but my fear of meeting new people that will only screw me over in the long run keeps me from doing much social interaction so going to church regularly is OUT for me. But when I did go, I basically just helped out with youth group stuff while I was there instead of going into regular church. It didn't suck, it was even pretty fun, and a heck of a lot better than picking up trash off the side of the road...

Anyway, I think you see what I'm trying to tell you. Try to think of something you could do to help someone out that you see regularly, and get them to sign off on your papers. I didn't even do all of my time, I had 20 hours to serve, only served like 8 though lol. They're cool like that.

I was caught with like 3 grams of weed a little over a year ago (In Florida) and they only made me go to court and do Some Community service, but if you have Community Service dont wait till the last second to do it, i waited till i only had like 2 weeks to do 35 hours and they gave me an extension but they were thinking of giving me more time


Well-Known Member
I never said i didnt enjoy the Community Service i actually had alot of fun, even thou at first i called alot of place's to let me work but when they asked me my charge i said Possesion and they were like "umm yea we dont need any help at the moment"(And this happened like 3 times) so i was like damn noones gonna let me work for them and then the Court said i can do community service around there (DONT EVER LISTEN TO THEM) they screw you over by making you pick up trash and whatnot i was so tired after picking up trash around the courthouse and after i was done (2 hours later) i went inside to tell them and some asshole said if i even see 1 cigarette bud then you'll get no hours so i went back outside for another good 2 hours to make sure i got everything and after i went inside he kept bitching at me saying "ohh are you sure you finished in a hurry" and i just went back outside and sat down behind the courthouse by some construction site for about 20 minutes and then i went inside and he just accepted it and gave me my hours........boy when i got home i called a bunch of place's and i found the perfect spot "Children of Love Foundation" boy did i have fun there we went to parks and set up all these things for a carnival and we handed out toys cause it was close to Christmas to little kids

Sorry about the long paragraph


Master of Mayhem
I did my community service at The Salvation Army, in the soup kitchen, feeding homeless people and crackheads. It actually wasn't that bad! I had to do 60 hours, so I broke it down into 12 five hour shifts, and did it on my day off every week.


Active Member
well i went to court to day and i got an arainment, they told me what the most sever punishments were; suspension of license for 6 months to 2 years, 1000 dollar fine, and 6 months in county jail. I was able to plea bargain with the prosecutors office and i was able to get a conditional discharge. I just hope the court accepts the plea bargain i go back next month


Well-Known Member
naa dont worry about the Sever Punishment as long as its your first offence you'll probably get out with nothing but community service

...It is your first offence right??


Well-Known Member
This would normally just be a simple posession charge.
Most states consider anything under an oz simple p.

I have gotten a simple and so have several friends.
You pay a fine and that is it other than going to jail for a night.

If the judge wants he can make you do community service and or make you take drug classes.

This is not much more than a speeding ticket in comparison where I live.

Either way it should just be a misdemeanor.

no big whoop.

Just make sure you do not get in trouble for the next three years or you can not get it expunged.