Possible Failure


Active Member
hello all.

I just registered and already found a lot of great information. Ive been growing a plant as a test run for the past 3-4 months. The buds are relatively full with the exception of the very very tops. Ive noticed the past 2 weeks not much change has occured in the plants flowering. Also, the glands are all still white and none seem to be turning amber. I cover my little "greendhouse" with a comforter and sleeping bag and is in the back of my studio. I was thinking of possible shock from a possible mistaken light flood or a possible hourly light distribution time, I dont use a time and have missed the cycle by a couple of hours a couple of times. I will try to get some pictures up for a reference, but other wise i would like your input. Should i just harvest it and start again or wait it out for possible future developement?

thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
if the buds are full nothing really that bad but you want to try and stick it on a 12/12 cycle as much as you can... and it is probably just the strain it might be one that takes along time till harvest they all differ i wouldnt give up from what you have said some pictures would help


Peace aces


Active Member
Thanks alot, i will get some pictures up this evening hopefully.
Someone also suggested the strain as well, but it s been about 5 months and I cant believe that it would take this long to fully develope without me making a newbie mistake.
this is my first real growing experience, so im sure i have made pleny of errors leaving plenty of room for improvement.

thanks again


Active Member
why allow for the chance of human failure? Spend ten bucks and get a timer. Then you can be high as hell and forget to turn lights on/off.