post effects of smoking?


Well-Known Member
Are their any after effects that are caused by smoking weed? Maybe I smoked pesticide (YUCK!)? ANyway I recently bought some reggie (dirt) from someone and since smoking it I've been seeing little shadows. It's like I see a shadow move in the corner of my eye then I look over and nothings there or moving at all:confused: Not really scary as I don't fear demons and whatnot (yes I'm religious) but I'm just curious. Happens about 1 or 2 times a day so it's not annoying either, just wierd.


Well-Known Member
Honest to god, what you're talking about sounds like the Shadow People. Now, back in my wilder days, I fucked around with meth, and that's the only time I ever saw shadow people. I'm not the only one, we all call them the shadow people cuz we all saw them. It's like this shadow in the corner of your vision, and then it's gone when you look.

But that's a tweak thing, so I really don't understand why you'd see them after smoking dirt weed....


Well-Known Member
Dude those shadows are called Shadow People!!! Search that shit on google they're definitely real! I used to see them all the time 3 years ago in my old house before I started smoking weed.

btw i'm so high right now


Well-Known Member
...:o don't scare me! shadow people? shhiiitttt that's crazy. But yeah wtf please explain more. I swear I see little shadows that are moving every now and then...what the foookk :P I can only hope they're just little shadows and not actually entities. whatever...NO FEAR! ;) It's only when you let yourself be afraid that you become afriad. Seriously they scared me for like 1 sec. but now I could care less what they do. But I still wanna know what they are. Maybe my shit was laced?

edit:damn...why did I google that? I was about to go to sleep too...NO FEAR! lol


Well-Known Member
hmmm well then...fuck that I'm not with that shit. I see little specks of shadow like bug sized specks not nearly a human size at all. though it is just in the corner of my eye. Lol maybe I see shadow bugs :D

btw: thanks for scaring me away from ever using meth ;) the "spiritual" world is the only thing that really can scare me like guns, thugs, death...naw. But I see a movie like "Darknes falls" (made around 2002?) and I sleep wit the lights on.


Well-Known Member
No i didn't actually I think I read like 2 words of your sentence then got distracted by the shadow wikipedia

I am half asleep, excuse me bro


Well-Known Member
Maybe you are seeing shadow people but they go so fast that they appear small. Thats how they work when you see then from the corner of your eye


Well-Known Member
Honest to god, what you're talking about sounds like the Shadow People. Now, back in my wilder days, I fucked around with meth, and that's the only time I ever saw shadow people. I'm not the only one, we all call them the shadow people cuz we all saw them. It's like this shadow in the corner of your vision, and then it's gone when you look.

But that's a tweak thing, so I really don't understand why you'd see them after smoking dirt weed....
yeah I would always see shadows move out of the corner of my eye and hear real faint whispers after being up for a couple of days, thats why tweakers are wierdos!


Well-Known Member
Thanks dick right when I stop caring you go and bring that up. w/e the way I see it I'm safe so it's all good in this hood:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeah I would always see shadows move out of the corner of my eye and hear real faint whispers after being up for a couple of days, thats why tweakers are wierdos!
:o that's crackhead I think my weed was FUCKED up though. I swear to god a week or so ago I would randomly hear my name being whispered 'bout 2-3 times over the period of a few days (thought it was just a wierd occurance). But I've been going to sleep and acting just as I normally do. Fuck that I'm giving that shit away! No wonder my "dealer" kept asking me if it was good and re-assuring me it was hella good...fat motha' fucker needs to get stuck like a pig, maybe slashed up?


Well-Known Member
:o that's crackhead I think my weed was FUCKED up though. I swear to god a week or so ago I would randomly hear my name being whispered 'bout 2-3 times over the period of a few days (thought it was just a wierd occurance). But I've been going to sleep and acting just as I normally do. Fuck that I'm giving that shit away!
wtf thats messed up