post pictures of your or someone else's worst/bad grow you've ever seen.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit have I done this. Used clipper 7x, because I could get a deal on a case.... wasted a cutie or more to tha debacle.
Gas is tainted with smell and chems so we know when its filling a room, other than that it is odorless and would cause safety problems.

Cigar gas is generally clean as no one thats smokes cigars wants to be puffing on these chems. Buy the right gas and your bho will be ten times better than clipper gas.
Gas is tainted with smell and chems so we know when its filling a room, other than that it is odorless and would cause safety problems.

Cigar gas is generally clean as no one thats smokes cigars wants to be puffing on these chems. Buy the right gas and your bho will be ten times better than clipper gas.
I come from somewhere where finding quality gas, at least back then was a bit harder to acquire. Vector only had 5x back in 2011 and 2012. I still made phenomenal oil with power 5, vector 5x and Newport.

Here is some 9x butane run I made off the last harvest, CVK.


