Post your favorite political documentaries


Active Member
I thought we might like a thread to list any good videos about politics...

Here's some of my favorites:

frontline on pbs/wgbh: this is one of the most amazing investigative journalism programs I've ever come across. There are around 90 of them you can watch online and there's a really broad range of topics. Really good stuff...

vanguard on current tv: this is a newer show with young video journalists who look at topics that are relevant but not always covered very much by the media.


Active Member
Yeah, I've seen a couple of those on netflix I think. The one about andrew jackson is awesome.

The history channel had this series called 'the story of us' recently that looked really good about the history of the US. I only caught one part of it at a friends house, but it was really well made. Not super deep on the content, but it had great commentary from former politicians, actors etc. Anyone catch this?

Also, if anyone is interested in WW2 at all, the most amazing documentary I've ever seen about it is 'ken burns' the war', also on pbs. It's basically the story of ww2 but based on the experiences of people from 4 towns in the US luverne, mn, sacramento, ca, mobile, al and westport, ct. It's super-long, like 7 hours or something, but totally worth it. You can watch it instantly on netflix if you have that...


Well-Known Member
Depends what you mean by 'Political'-- all of these flicks have a major theme of our political system

I personally really enjoyed:

The Fog of War - Interview with McNamara-- anything by Errol Morris is worth a watch
King Corn- All that we eat
The Corporation - Great look at corporate influence and what could be done about it
Powaqqatsi - No words, but very worth watching and very political in its own way