Post your nutes!!!


Well-Known Member
I use 100% coco for a medium, so I tried CNS17 Coco/Soil line. Very simple to use, but the label directions are thermonuclear hot, so cut them by 75% to start. I did some some issues with it, because I have very hard water, and CNS17 is already calcium rich. I just picked up a counter top RO water filter unit, problem solved :-P


Active Member
using gh line 2. flora, flora micro, florabloom,flora pineapple rush, florashield then bcuzz roots. floralicious for hydro just way to thick so stopped using


The best thing for your plants is powerthrive made from sea kelp all natural

trust me this product is the best because its not like other nutes you cannot burn your plants with it.
just mix with water and water like normal your plants will grow so much faster i mean its called powerthrive!!
I'm a big fan of the Botanicare line. Affordable, simple and good. I'm currently using House and Garden line with Aqua Flakes at the strong encouragement of a trusted mentor. I'm still getting them dialed in so I haven't decided if I like them or not. My initial thoughts are that H&G isn't producing results worth the cost difference. But I will make my final decision once I harvest.