pot advice


Active Member
do u need big pots for a good grow or can i use eny size and shape any good advice anyone plz:?:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Bigger pots means more space for roots to grow, you don't want the roots to become root bound.


Active Member
Basically, it depends if you're growing inside or out. If you are playing under the lights, then gallon containers would be sufficient (hell, I've seen 16-20 oz cups work for SOG). If you're using mother nature's lighting (the sun), the plant will grow as large as the size of the container allows. Normally, I would use nothing smaller than a 3 gallon container outside (unless you planted late and the plant will be kept under 3 ft.). The lumens are a big contributing factor to the healthy height of the plant. If growing indoors, you want ample light to avoid "stretching", which creates a gangley, weak plant.