Pot size question

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Guys lets start off small.
This kid's a noob. Let's feed him so noob stuff.
No offense.. But your taking to much info at once.
Yea man 1-3Gallons is good.
Start off small.
You don't want to be too big too early.

Bud Grauer

New Member
"Three gallons beath the proper size for the growing of thee finest and stoniest cannabis, so sayeth the Lord" (I think it says that in the Bible or the Torah or the Koran or maybe the Declaration of Independence)

We're talkin indoor gro rite??

One gallon is too small - at first it seems okay, but it is a total bummer when you realize you have a killer plant in a tiny lil' one gal pot. A gazillion one gallon pots are alot of work too! Hard to keep nutes balanced. They are hard to water correctly when the plant gets big too. PLUS, high quality seeds cast what $5-$10 each? Do u really want to use a one galllon for a $8 sed? If you have the time and energy (or if you just gotta keep 'em small) a bunch of one gallon pots tend to yeild a bunch of nice dense buds.

I like three gallon office wastebaskets from Staples or Office depot (drill a few holes in the bottom). THEY ARE BEAUTIFULLY SQUARISH (9"x12" - 20% more efficient than round pots for capturing light). 3 gallon pots seem to keep indica and indica-sativa hybrids just the right size to create the right size canopy beneath indoor lighting. By this, I mean to say that (with skillful topping or super-cropping) most of the buds tend to form within effective illuminance of a 600watt HID. By this I mean to say, that if you do the math, the effective illuminance range of a 600 watt HID is (about) 9'-15" from the bulb: closer than that and the risk of burning is too high, farther than 15" from the filament reduces the light density to below 3000 lux.

Hypothetically, I suppose that a 5 or 7 gallon pot for one single sativa might be okay, especially for vert lights on light movers, but I don't have any experience with this method.

For outdoor?

Well that depends on how big the plant can get before some do-gooder snitch dickweed reports it to the poli or scams you plant.


Well-Known Member
you dont need 20 gallon pots to grow a monster indoor...heres a 2 gallon pot monster

I'm averaging 4-5 oz plants in 6 quart (1.5 gallon) potters



Well-Known Member
I have a true Afghan Kush (seed source not disclosed). No hybrid, no cross unless other strains in that valley did it. WIDE ass leaves, so dark green it is unreal and skunky from week 3. She lives in a 22 gallon tub to finish her life out. Same with her cousin. I amputate roots weekly from the main stem area out with a weed puller. Roots touch the sides of the 22s 2 weeks after transplanting in them. In short for the impatient - you cannot use a container that is too large. "Too large" does not compute with plants. Those saying otherwise show proof. I have pics of mine! Root amputations regularly in big containers and they just keep on going!

The larger the planter the better the yield with all other considerations being equal. Period.

BTW I amputate because the root tips behave like the main stem only better. Research by real researchers have shown severed root tips then recover and form 2 or 4 new tips and they do it almost immediately within a day or two. 4! Tops just divide into two. The more roots, the better growth. Basic Plant Science 101. Plus it keeps them from becoming rootbound.

You can have a huge plant out of a tiny pot for just this reason...all you have to do is take a knife and just stab a few holes through all the roots and what not...and the plant will regrow new roots, and not need more space...I still like to use 5 gallon pots or larger if I can because I see the most growth, and fewest issues with this size...
You can have a 4 ft sativa in a half gallon pot though...they don't make roots the way an indica will if you allow it...
So really use whatever size you want, but the smaller the pot the less explosive and fast the growth in my experience.


Well-Known Member
You can have a huge plant out of a tiny pot for just this reason...all you have to do is take a knife and just stab a few holes through all the roots and what not...and the plant will regrow new roots, and not need more space...I still like to use 5 gallon pots or larger if I can because I see the most growth, and fewest issues with this size...
You can have a 4 ft sativa in a half gallon pot though...they don't make roots the way an indica will if you allow it...
So really use whatever size you want, but the smaller the pot the less explosive and fast the growth in my experience.
Amen, brother. But then I ride a little 93" Harley stroker and shoot a .338 Winchester Magnum. Some just choose to go big and are rarely sorry for it.


Well-Known Member
you dont need 20 gallon pots to grow a monster indoor...heres a 2 gallon pot monster

I'm averaging 4-5 oz plants in 6 quart (1.5 gallon) potters

Didn't say it can't be done. But when someone is so inexperienced they have to ask then my advice will be easier for them to produce. What media and nutes are you using? Very nice plant.


Active Member
"Three gallons beath the proper size for the growing of thee finest and stoniest cannabis, so sayeth the Lord" (I think it says that in the Bible or the Torah or the Koran or maybe the Declaration of Independence)

We're talkin indoor gro rite??

One gallon is too small - at first it seems okay, but it is a total bummer when you realize you have a killer plant in a tiny lil' one gal pot. A gazillion one gallon pots are alot of work too! Hard to keep nutes balanced. They are hard to water correctly when the plant gets big too. PLUS, high quality seeds cast what $5-$10 each? Do u really want to use a one galllon for a $8 sed? If you have the time and energy (or if you just gotta keep 'em small) a bunch of one gallon pots tend to yeild a bunch of nice dense buds.

I like three gallon office wastebaskets from Staples or Office depot (drill a few holes in the bottom). THEY ARE BEAUTIFULLY SQUARISH (9"x12" - 20% more efficient than round pots for capturing light). 3 gallon pots seem to keep indica and indica-sativa hybrids just the right size to create the right size canopy beneath indoor lighting. By this, I mean to say that (with skillful topping or super-cropping) most of the buds tend to form within effective illuminance of a 600watt HID. By this I mean to say, that if you do the math, the effective illuminance range of a 600 watt HID is (about) 9'-15" from the bulb: closer than that and the risk of burning is too high, farther than 15" from the filament reduces the light density to below 3000 lux.

Hypothetically, I suppose that a 5 or 7 gallon pot for one single sativa might be okay, especially for vert lights on light movers, but I don't have any experience with this method.

For outdoor?

Well that depends on how big the plant can get before some do-gooder snitch dickweed reports it to the poli or scams you plant.
you only need two gallon pots inside ( uk 10 Litre ) and to stop stretching of a plant in to the light use an hps dual spectrum, grolux, or sunmaster or a propagrow bulb.
your plants will fill out faster than grow tall, wink.
Thanks for all the help guys. I think I won't be going for something massive, so I'll get either a 2 or 3 gallon depending on availability.


Active Member
then why did you call it a guerrila grow? guerrilla growing is out doors indoor growing is just called "indoor growing"
Nice way to beat up a new grower asking questions. Geesh have you ever made a MISTAKE?

Anyways I run a perpetual grow of 1 plant a week and use all 5 gallon buckets.


Well-Known Member
wooo calm down douch bag i was just trying to help if you cant take critisim then move the fuck on to a diff site cause this one isnt for you. is this the way you treet everyone who trys to help you? good luck finding help now douch
Honestly, I think you are in the wrong here SI420, he is a newbie so he is not used to the innuendos and inferred attitudes (which you call criticism). Besides, there is bad and constructive (good) criticism and you weren't providing good criticism so I would suggest that YOU slow your roll. How is he supposed to know you are trying to help when you come at him like that off the bat. Also, "douch" is spelled "douche" you illilerate *u**. Sorry, but I cant stand cynical a-holes who jump on peoples s**t off the bat. Its uncalled for.