Potential for a big yeild?


Active Member
Hey all, ive been creepin these forums for a while now, and finally I have a place to grow some wonderful flowers, The room is an attic, roughly 12' high 12' wide and 16' long with a taperd ceiling, kinda like a sideways pizza slice if you could imagine that. my question for you is, whats the potential of this? like give me a ball park number? And I got a rough idea on how I will set it up, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
your truly


Well-Known Member
I was told by my local hydroponic shop owner that I could grow 15 plants in a room thats 2 by 4 and 8 feet tall...but you want to give each plant its own room so it can recieve light and not block it away from the other plant which 1 of mine did... it outgrew and was blocking them... Hope this helps


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
Well...as far as I can tell you have one plant per one square foot of space(probably minimum). You will need about 50 watts getting to that one square foot space per one square foot space. I would say in a 12 X 12 I would have 18 to 24 plants...also...with the tapered ceiling make sure that you have room for the light and...well you get the picture! Good luck!


Active Member
For that large of a grow area, you should get at least 4 1000w HPS systems. These don't have to be air cooled if you have decent ventilation in your room. Also, unless you plan on growing 10' tall indoor monsters, then I'd say you'd be safe without air-cooled hoods. You could manage to fit around 60-70 clones in there, and if you know what you are doing growing them, end up with nearly 4 pounds in a couple months.


Well-Known Member
you're probably going to have heat issues in the attic. also, do you have a way to get a lot (and i do mean a lot) of water up there?


Active Member
In the winter season, I dont think ill have that much of a heat issue, Were going to suck cold air in and discharge the warmer air into the garage. The attic already has a 220v outlet wired up there from the previous owner (hmmmmmm...) and we can easily plum some water up there. how far apart would you recommend we space these clones apart? im thinking 1' by 1' is alittle much and would take away from the yeild when it comes to cropping out


New Member
Wow if your asking these basic questions, I don't think you should be planning any big grows for awhile.
do a small grow until you have some basic understanding at least....


Active Member
thanks champ, but im doing this with an expirence grower, im just fronting the money, im asking these questions so I can be someone on the same level as him and help him construct it without any hesitation.