Potential Problem or Success???


Well-Known Member
Alright here's the scoop. I've got 11 seedlings going into vegetative state in my new veg cabinet.

They are under two reflectors. Each reflector contains 1 - 100 fluoro producing 10,000 lumen and 4 - 23 watt cfls (2 - 2700k and 2 - 6500k bulbs). Both reflectors are butted up against each other and have a total footprint of 14" x 28".

Lights are on 18/6, humidity 35%, ventilation refreshing air a few times a minute, temps are 76-86f.

Each of my plants have their cotys, first single leaf, second triple leaf set, and third five leaf set. The plants are all between 2" and 3" tall. There's no stalk length between each of the sets of leaves, and they're about to produce another set of leaves right on top of these.

Is it OK for my plants to be this short, stocky, and stacked? I didn't want stretching to occur, but have I gone too far with the lighting?

I can't provide pics until Sunday as I don't have a working dig. camera.