Potential spider mite cure.


Active Member
Having come from a family which grows organically, my mother has sworn for years on what could potentially be the easiest spider mite cure around. Works on house plants and garden plants alike, so can't imagine that it wouldn't work on marijuana. A couple tablespoons of dishwashing liquid dissolved in a spray bottle and applied thoroughly ( don't miss under side of leaves ) will wipe those little fuckers out ( as long as they have not gotten so bad that they are in the soil as well, no prob for hydro or aero ) Your plants will actually love the soap, and use it as an additional fert. Once bugga boos are gone, be sure to spray with clean water a few times to remove residue. I wouldn't advise doing this to buds as they are too porous and I think it would be very difficult to get all the soap out. Just thought I would pass this trick along.
yeah i heard the same thing...apparently the soap dehydrates them and they die, i like to stay away from all the chemicals myself so that's a great way to go and of course I'm always promoting ladybugs, they are awesome!