
Well-Known Member
Cute, perhaps . . . loopy, definitely! He doesn't always smile.

Or maybe he does? Glad you approve of the little knuck-a-head.


Well-Known Member
my dog died from cancer a while ago=/ I really miss her she was a great dog.

my friends cat just had kittens so when they are ready am I allowed to have one. I'm looking forward to having my own kitten =D


Well-Known Member
Me and my cat having a moment after sharing a joint .. No one loves me like she does :) lol

Since the first day I brought her home she always loved the smell of weed ... She tries to eat it sometimes too. lol

kinda looks like the adult version of my kitty!

and no the big one is not her real mom, but she sure acts like it



Well-Known Member
Cute, perhaps . . . loopy, definitely! He doesn't always smile.

Or maybe he does? Glad you approve of the little knuck-a-head.
Fishy my neighbors have a dog that looks like yours he's my pups little buddy. Here's another pic of my boy.


Asshole Patrol
Pics of the two dogs as pups, the pit mix is Izzy. The black lab is Kade. The cat just gets called dumbshit most of the time. Smoking out kittens does in fact hinder their natural cat-like abilities.

The dogs, and the couch. Situation where the back door was not closed tightly when we left. You can see the outcome. From the looks of it, they just got stupid playful. Its one of those situations where they knew they had fucked up as soon as they saw us walk in. I was furious, but in all reality how mad can you get... (Im not a believer that hitting an animal for any reason will improve their behavior).

New couch's purchased last year, and we havent had one single situation that even closely related. So, I chalk it up as a learning experience. :hump:



Well-Known Member
I used to have a chocolate lab pit mix but he died recently I had him for 15 yrs good pup now I have this yellow beast but at least he taught my new pup how to act. I don't beleive in beating an animal either proper training is enough and one thing to remember is when you have a dog shits going to get fucked up that's just the way it is.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps I should mention that mini-pinschers are not miniature dobermans, as many believe them to be (I used to) and are not for most people. For one thing, most dogs are considered adult at 3 . . . min-pins, at 5.
Behind that grin lurks a little prick (but it's MY little prick!)


Well-Known Member

This is an Axolotl they are near extinct! Ive had mine for going on 10 years now. Mine is a little darker than the one seen above!


Well-Known Member
yes they live underwater and feed on small fish and small salamanders

they can go out of water for periods up to 90 mins tho

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
what would u class them as, coz i got told that they were a cross between a lizard and a snake sorta. i dont no plz help me understand im confused lol


Well-Known Member

(pronounced Ax-oh-lot-ul), scientific name Ambystoma mexicanum they are referred to as the 'walking fish' , however it is not a fish but an amphibian, a salamander, part of the order Caudata/Urodela.


Well-Known Member
The Brindle one is Yager (female) and the other is Joe Boxer (male), both are rescue dogs....both came with issues..but i LOVE THEM TO DEATH!!! Wouldnt trade them for the world!! They both love smoking...cant leave any roaches out, or bud laying around cause Joey will eat it in a hot second...and Yager prefers to cuddle up nice and close and take her hits like a champ!!! LOVE EM!!!! Oh & the last pic is what Joey did to the bathroom door after shutting himself in it while i was at work!!!! LMFAO!!!! LOVE EM!:weed:



New Member
kinda looks like the adult version of my kitty!

and no the big one is not her real mom, but she sure acts like it
My kitten is actually pretty tiny ... She is only 4 months old. My other 2 cats are goliaths compared to her. lol

Your kitties look sweet .. Those are some nice shots. My cats never do anything interesting in front of a camera. They usually just run away .. ha