Powdery mildew at 48 days of flowering: do I harvest early?


Well-Known Member
A couple of days ago I noticed white powder on the leaves of my 2 Bubba Kush plants, which are "due" to harvest in about 2 weeks, according to what I've read about the usual flowering time they require. I also have 2 Critical Kush plants that seem to have been infected after the Bubba plants got sick. Well, none of them really looks "sickly," but anyway I sprayed them immediately with a vinegar-water solution and then went to a local grow shop and got some Green Cure (potassium bicarbonate) which I just sprayed this morning.

I can still see white powder on some of the leaves, but I'm not sure if it is live fungus or dead. So I'm wondering, should I let the plants keep growing for another couple of weeks or harvest now? These buds are just for personal use (not selling or giving away) so will they still be smokeable after the PM attack?

A little history, if it matters, the first crop I grew here in Salinas, Calif., had bud rot, so I've been trying to keep the plants spaced out and humidity down ever since. Right now I just have four plants in a 3 foot by 2 foot space, with a fan blowing into the middle of them.


Well-Known Member
2 weeks to go ...Id be afraid of rot too.I use Green Cure it works great you have to saturate your buds with it. YOu have to bend the buds over and spray inbetween them to the stem and that should hold you over till harvest.


Well-Known Member
Maybe pluck any infected leaves and watch for new spots? I've had the same issue, using SM-90 would buy me a week or so before new spots came up. I ended up doing daily inspections until I couldn't stand it, cut about 10 days early. The smoke was ok, good enough I'm glad I didn't risk more issues by pushing it.
I agree about getting in between the stem and buds, I found some nasty spots in there that could have gotten worse fast. I just gently pulled the buds down as horizontal as possible to spray and tried to train them to stay that way, not pressing against the stem.
I'm not sure about the vinegar foliar, it's a ph down and my research indicates when fighting PM you want ph of the leaves high, over 7.0, to create a hostile environment for spores to thrive. I may be way off but I think worth checking for the sake of your garden :)


Well-Known Member
Build up Ur plants immune system in the hopes of preventing this in future crops. Next batch try out a harpin protein foliar. Inexpensive and a little goes a long way. One mist per plant every 2 weeks. Look up axiom. Halo. Messenger.. it's all Harpins that boost immune systems in plants. Side note it will also boost resin production. Enjoy and Good luck.