Power Skunk Under Led


Active Member
I'm going to have to tie down some of the branches on my big white domina this evening. Getting out of control with how close it's getting to my light and I can't raise my light any higher. Any advice on best ways to tie them down some?
What up Puff? Well I'm going thru this right now with my blue mystic. She has been topped. She's a beast! I tied down the tops and a couple of em kinked. She seems to be handling it aight. Still got about a month or so to go with her too. I used some sort of yarn type stuff I bought at Walmart. Drilled holes in the pot and started tying her down. My first attempt at lst/bondage. Lol. I guess it's working aight, gonna have to be! I too raised my light to accommodate her even had to take the light off of the wire harness that it hangs from and modified the cab to hold my light. Good luck!



Well-Known Member
What up Puff? Well I'm going thru this right now with my blue mystic. She has been topped. She's a beast! I tied down the tops and a couple of em kinked. She seems to be handling it aight. Still got about a month or so to go with her too. I used some sort of yarn type stuff I bought at Walmart. Drilled holes in the pot and started tying her down. My first attempt at lst/bondage. Lol. I guess it's working aight, gonna have to be! I too raised my light to accommodate her even had to take the light off of the wire harness that it hangs from and modified the cab to hold my light. Good luck!
Thanks for the pics, they helped a lot. I might have to try tying a couple down like that, I have some string so that's my project for tomorrow since tonight I didn't get around to it. That's a pretty gnarly bend in that stem there! Glad to hear it's doing fine, how exactly did you do that anyway? Did you train it from young and flexible or did they snap? My stems are pretty thick and strong, they'd definitely snap if I tried to force them into too far of a bend...or is that the point, snap them a bit but not to the point of separation?

Appreciate you stopping by and giving some helpful advice. +Rep where it's due.


Active Member
What up puff? White domina is looking good! Thanks for the rep bro! As for my tie down job. No I didn't start when she was young. Her tops were pretty flexible when I bent them and tied down. Yeah I have a couple gnarly bends and one is bent and twisted cause I have a string pulling her down and then the top another way. Those bends I got happened on their own. I didn't mean to do it that much. But come to find out it's kinda like super cropping. You take the stem and pinch it and bend her over. Was worried at first with the bend during flowering but got over it and decided I ain't gonna let it ruin my grow. I think she's doing alright with it. I'm just gonna let her do her thing and try and keep her on her side of the cabinet. I can't stop her I can only hope to contain her! Lol. Anyway bro I've never done the tie down before myself. Just learning as I go and hoping I don't snap a top off!! That would suck! Good luck with what u decide to do!


Well-Known Member
Well, my white domina are still doing great, buds starting to fill in some more. The power skunk is starting to grow hairs at a faster rate now after a couple weeks being flipped to 12/12. Definitely going to finish a few weeks later than the white ds. Other than that update, i'll be cutting back my posts and time spent browsing RIU for a while. Don't worry, i'll drop in from time to time for an update, and I'll be sure to update at harvest for all you led skeptics.

Until then, keep growing!


Well-Known Member
Power skunk is finally taking off in flowering. Checked on her this morning and she's looking good. Lots of hair development over the last couple days on her. The white dominas are looking nice too but definitely a lot further along than the pskunk. As these are getting closer to being done, maybe in a week or two i'll start germin my seeds for the next grow...violator kush. I wont be messing with autos at that time either.


Active Member
Hey puff. Lurked by earlier had to come back to give you some props. They are looking great. I wish I had done two of the same strain in my cabinet. My blue mystic is a monster and the LSD is nice and tame. Looks like you got yours under control. Looking good bro!


Well-Known Member
Hey puff. Lurked by earlier had to come back to give you some props. They are looking great. I wish I had done two of the same strain in my cabinet. My blue mystic is a monster and the LSD is nice and tame. Looks like you got yours under control. Looking good bro!
Thanks for the props! Yeah I sorta wish I only did one strain too, but it will be nice to have a variety when all is said and done. Next time I think im rolling all violators but I do have a few random freebies I want to do too. Think i'll only be doing two plants instead of three because space became an issue this time around. Take it easy man, happy growing!


Active Member
hey looking good think i might follow your lead and start a journal in the forum instead :)
sub to see ya finished :)


Well-Known Member
hey I really like your plant's growth with that LED array. I am running LEDs too, I'm using CREE 3 watt power white leds on a hydro white rhino 2 weeks. I built the panel myself because I dont like all of the panels on the net.. Plus saves me $... if you guys want to learn how to build your own panel of LEDs using the 3 watt LED, i'll put up a thead. the 2 week old hydro plant has a small panel of 3 3 watters making 9 watt. I threw some optics (acrylic lense) on the LED and there Lumens took a big jump. She is in progress so I want to get some pics up.


Well-Known Member
hey I really like your plant's growth with that LED array. I am running LEDs too, I'm using CREE 3 watt power white leds on a hydro white rhino 2 weeks. I built the panel myself because I dont like all of the panels on the net.. Plus saves me $... if you guys want to learn how to build your own panel of LEDs using the 3 watt LED, i'll put up a thead. the 2 week old hydro plant has a small panel of 3 3 watters making 9 watt. I threw some optics (acrylic lense) on the LED and there Lumens took a big jump. She is in progress so I want to get some pics up.
Hey thanks for stopping by and the nice words! Thats cool youve built your own, I've been looking at some kits online to maybe build my own but I've been super happy with my purchase. Let me know if you end up posting a thread on how to make your own, id definitely subscribe to that! Would love to see some pics of your light and plant, feel free to post it up here if you want!


Well-Known Member
What's up everybody? Some pics this update. About to hit them with pk 13/14 tomorrow so thought it would be good to have some decent bud shots before and after to compare. Thanks for stopping by!

White Domina

Power Skunk


Active Member
Looking killa bro! Nice pics! Have you smoked those strains before? How's that power skunk? I'm gonna have to do a lil research to see what those strains ya got going are all about. They look nice! Happy growing!


Active Member
That panel is doing a nice job (your skills as well) and have put Advanced up there with GLH for future purchase. They are significantly cheaper than most everything out there barring the Blackstars. Glad I came across your thread. Looking forward to seeing those buds swell up into rocks.