ppm/deficiency problem

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
...good deal, your tap is fine bro...with the 1k, I'd drop at them minimum 0-5-10 (Grow-Micro-Bloom) or maybe the full strength Lucas @ 0-8-16 in my res...that's good light, and they'll responde really well either way with no issues, promise.

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
Pro Tip: stable pH is not always best. :hump:

...correct, your pH will lower as the EC drops toward the end of each res change....which as stated, is a good thing.
EDIT:...I haven't used my pH pens for about 3 years. <--- no lie.

EDIT (AGAIN!) ...I'm wrong here, the the pH raises as superstoner points out, I'm bass ackwards sometimes when I get too baked...sorry fellas.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys i'm changing it when the lights come on today. I really appreciate everyones help...tricome fiend your the man! I'll keep you posted on how its going....thanks again!


Well-Known Member
...correct, your pH will lower as the EC drops toward the end of each res change....which as stated, is a good thing.
EDIT:...I haven't used my pH pens for about 3 years. <--- no lie.
as nutrients are used the ppm will drop and the ph will rise. think about it. you have 7.0 tap water and add nutes to it, it brings it down to say 6.0. so how can you say when ec or ppm drops ph drops also?

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
...my chemicals are acidic, and my tap is alkline....as my chemicals are absorbed by the plants the pH seems to lower in my res.
...I haven't used my pH pens for awhile since I haven't had any issues, so it's hard to say if that is still goin on :)
...not about to debate about that, so. Good day.

EDIT: ^^^ I'm a dumbass, I'm backwards here....ph raises, not lowers.


Well-Known Member
fill us in on your nutes and water because that is exactly opposite of all nutes i have seen. and even if that is so you are giving bad advise based on something that seems to be only in your grow.

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
....DUDE, your right....bahahahahahaah....I'm too fuckin high....my bad bro....shit, it does raise.....fuckin DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
...did you see that purple bud in that box? ...hopefully you understand how this could happen...lol, I feel like an ass.....sorry Superstoner bro...great observation man. +rep


Ursus marijanus
I'll offer a somewhat dissenting experience/opinion. I used GH three-part and had lockoutlike symptoms at 170ppm indicated. Once I went to RO, things improved. cn


Well-Known Member
I did see that purple, what's up with that? purple strain I assume, or cold temps last few Weeks? Do you add h202 to your rez?