ppm levels

knowledge seeker

Active Member
just tried sending don't know if it went through so i'll try again, i have a 66 qt hydro flora system i am about 11 days into the grow my plants are about 3 inches tall with big 2 1/2 inch leaves i have 11 plants 4 white widow and eight big bud, i am using flora nova grow, floralicious plus, and flora nova bloom i also have foliar sprays, bushmaster, i currently have the ppm at 300 where should it be throughout the vegetative stage and flowering stage i have 400 watt lights using mh and hps thanks mike

knowledge seeker

Active Member
thank you that was exactly what i was looking for, i currently gave a new problem and i hope u can help. my plants are 13 days old, i have hid lighting with 400 watt mh bulb going, i have them about two feet from grow tips my ppm is at roughly 420 lol truth my ph is in the medium to high fives, some of the leaves are starting to get leaf burn, i have two 4-5 inch plants and the rest are 2 1/2 inches, but they are looking weak the small ones, they were looking good until i bumped my ppms from 300 -400 three days ago. thanks mike

knowledge seeker

Active Member
the leaves started with just yellow spots, its worked its way up the leaf a little, they have a papery feel to them, i tried to upload photos but it said they had to be 800x800 ii'm assuming pixels, mine were 3100x2000 don't know how to shrink it, the research i have done leads to nute burn, could you get root burn from only raising you're ph roughly 150 ppm note that they are 13 days old and i upd the nutes on day 11 thank mike


Well-Known Member
upload photos to photobucket and then paste the link in the thread. my photos are also way to big to post on here. i really dont know too much about PPM but i know all plants are different. people say your plant will tell you when its happy or unhappy. i bought 5 clones and in my 3rd week of growin them i jumped my ppm from 400 to 800 and they loved it.. and now their thriving... so who knows?:confused: