PPM question in hydro


Well-Known Member
I remember one of the first things I was taught was that your plants will let you know if they want more or less nutrients & that by measuring the PPM every now & then youll be able to tell there desired PPM range.


MY Blueberry (dutch passion) girls are satisfied with 1000 PPM, but after topping up the tank with fresh water the PPM fell (diluted) to 900. I was expecting the solution to decrease to 800PPM assuming the girls would intake more after the water cycle but the solution stayed at 900PPM.


Well-Known Member
hmm good question im trying to learn it myself with bb its a hard strain i have my ppm at 800 and it looks like i have lockout.....i think they perform better under lower ppm,s.....i could be wrong im in week 6 or 7 and my nugs look small......i dont know what my problem is lol....gl though


Well-Known Member
I remember one of the first things I was taught was that your plants will let you know if they want more or less nutrients & that by measuring the PPM every now & then youll be able to tell there desired PPM range.


MY Blueberry (dutch passion) girls are satisfied with 1000 PPM, but after topping up the tank with fresh water the PPM fell (diluted) to 900. I was expecting the solution to decrease to 800PPM assuming the girls would intake more after the water cycle but the solution stayed at 900PPM.

Hay there, you gotta give more info,
like how long in flower and what is the PH level at,
kinda sounds like your PH is off wack if the lady'z don't wanna eat,
try to keep the PH 6.6 in hydro.....

I switched over to Aerophonics a bit back and have to deal with the PPM and PH everyday,
when the PH goes down the PPM goes up,
way up,
i found the PH stays high in the first 3 weeks then likes to hit low 3's in the 4 up weeks!
one batch i got is PPM-1410 and PH-6.5 at 4 weeks

check it out... https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/107075-ak-47-x-super-silver-42.html



I agree that Ph is as important as TDS. Hydro Ph should be 5.5 - 5.8 (at least for ebb and flow). I am experimenting with 1400 ppm through the whole cycle (Dutch Master Gold) with PK 13/14 added at weeks 3-4 at 2.5 ml, 5 ml at weeks 5-6. This brings TDS to almost 1600. There have been some slight signs of burn, but everything looks good overall. Next test is the same but PK 13/14 at 15ml at week 5.

From what I understand, PPM rates can be as high as 2000 ppm + depending on what type of system you are running.


Well-Known Member
first, whoever was saying something about 800 ppm and having lockout, its the PH that causes the lockout.. not the PPM..

different plants and different strains will use different amount of nutes.. when you topped off your res with water did you account for the ec of the water you used to top with?? maybe if the water was RO water with NO ec at all you could have hit your 800 ppm mark.. but if your water has any sort of ec in it it will affect how much topping off the res will drop the ec... the only way to know if your plants like the EC/PPM you are using is by watching them and comparing the behaviors of the plants with different ec/ppms.. if you add more nutes and raise the PPM and start to see burn its too high.. if the ec/ppm is to low you'll see slow growth.... finding when they grow optimally will take some time.. and maybe its a coicedence that the PPM is 900 and they end up liking it the most.. but i dont think, and somehow doubt, there is a direct correlation between the stability of the PPM in the res and the optimal ppm for the plants... since as they use them its going to fall regardless.. its more of a range that you want to hit.. not a specific ppm...


Well-Known Member
I agree that Ph is as important as TDS. Hydro Ph should be 5.5 - 5.8 (at least for ebb and flow). I am experimenting with 1400 ppm through the whole cycle (Dutch Master Gold) with PK 13/14 added at weeks 3-4 at 2.5 ml, 5 ml at weeks 5-6. This brings TDS to almost 1600. There have been some slight signs of burn, but everything looks good overall. Next test is the same but PK 13/14 at 15ml at week 5.

From what I understand, PPM rates can be as high as 2000 ppm + depending on what type of system you are running.

Wow, you best do some more research,
the Max PPM for hydro is 1600, Never go over that!
your plants would burn to fast to even recover....
Good video to watch for ya, See More Buds Vol.1,
give you some insight with proof you can watch....

Look how green they are with 1410 PPM , PH-6.5 at 4 weeks....
see the tips curling and little brown tips? means it's got enough PPM...

lights on.....

lights off, flash on......

see me grow...https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/107075-ak-47-x-super-silver-42.html

see me DIY.....https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/212657-all-one-diy-aero-cloner.html


Illegal Smile

If my plants drink 20% of the water, I take that much water, pH adjust it, add 20% nutes, then add it to the res. If the plants drink water they are also consuming nutes at approximately the same rate.


Well-Known Member
Since I posted the question youll be happy to know the grow finished at 7.5 OZ approx with 4 plants but now Ive moved on to soil growing so I can utilise all the space in the cab. Thanks everyone for your input.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you best do some more research,
the Max PPM for hydro is 1600, Never go over that!
your plants would burn to fast to even recover....
Good video to watch for ya, See More Buds Vol.1,
give you some insight with proof you can watch....

Look how green they are with 1410 PPM , PH-6.5 at 4 weeks....
see the tips curling and little brown tips? means it's got enough PPM...

lights on.....

lights off, flash on......

see me grow...https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/107075-ak-47-x-super-silver-42.html

see me DIY.....https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/212657-all-one-diy-aero-cloner.html


I watched see more bud some months ago all 3 part that is a great documentary/guide if you have any others recommendations let me know.


Well-Known Member
there is also this series from Jorge Cervantes - Ultimate Grow, 2 disks and a third with extra's...


Well-Known Member
there is also this series from Jorge Cervantes - Ultimate Grow, 2 disks and a third with extra's...
I d/loaded that from a torrent site (Torrent leech) but I still like See more bud better. A very informative doc was recommended to me called "Never get busted again" thats a great watch.


Well-Known Member
ok my ph is at 5.7 my ppm is about 850 it was at 1200 a few days ago and after reading alot i figured i would lower the ppm and see what happens.....im my opinion nothing happened at all....i have tons of white pistols and small nugs. im about 6-7 weeks into flower...from looking at other pics and logs i think im way under the 6-7 week status of everyone else.

i have 2 600hps lights an areoflo 60 and i have done everything to a t.....topped my plants so they wouldnt grow tall and it all started great....now this is were im at and its confusig the shit outta me.....any help guys would be much appreciated....oh ya and also again im growing dm bb.....thnx again....