Ppms to raise or not?

I was under the impression that with rdwc you are able to raise your ppms due to the super oxegenated water your plants are in. On youtube some of the cultivators I follow also said this, and also demonstrated on thier grow journal.

Well, I was on the undercurrent site the other day, just looking around, and they said one of the benefits of highly oxegenated water is that you're able to reduce your ppms, so I'm confused now.

So is the benefit in raising or lowering your ppm? Pros and cons of both?

Thanks for your input.


Well-Known Member
I know that re-circulating nutrient schedules call for stronger doses but I am not sure why. Maybe the constantly moving water affects how the plants are able to uptake the nutrients? I was a construction major in college years ago... sorry. Ill go back for biology lmao.
I know that re-circulating nutrient schedules call for stronger doses but I am not sure why. Maybe the constantly moving water affects how the plants are able to uptake the nutrients? I was a construction major in college years ago... sorry. Ill go back for biology lmao.

Cool. Help me build a grow room...:)


Well-Known Member
Sure, provide pictures of the area you are working with. Or post dimensions of a tent you can use.


Well-Known Member
I run EC 1.4-1.7 with HPS and up to 2.0 with CDM. I run very humid conditions, however, so if your room is below 70% RH I'd suggest a point or two less.


Well-Known Member
E.C. 1.4 to 1.7 ~ 700 to 850 ppm using .5 conversion right? Sorry, but what's CDM? Tried to google but couldn't find what it stands for.

So are the growers that are over 1000 ppms maybe using .64 or .70 conversion?

That confusion you're experiencing right now is exactly why I use EC; no confusion. There are a bunch of ppm scales out there and to make matters worse, different nutrient companies use different ones!

860W CDM bulb from Philips.