well updating today as I probably won't get a chance tomorrow...my neighbor Louie died, so another wake.....I hate fecking death....well suppose no one likes it except the undertaker...anyhow
Good shit kilo... way to go.....

thank you sir....may I have another....hehe
Holy Fecking shite Kilo!! We need to team up and take over the East Coast.
Whats up with the pinners in the papers?
hehe...the pinners like I said in the post are the remnants of the trim before putting her in cure.....I never waste anything...well most of the time anyway....dude, I no way near your talent and resources, that's why comps from you mean alot.....
Glad your happy. Happy after the harvest is always good. I have heard to many peeps complain about the yield or the time or you name it. Some people just don't know how to have FUN.
KiloBit knows how to have FUN!
see, that's why I'm glad you come around....hope your feeling well
hey kilo, very impressive yeild with the T5's ! You trippled my yeild on my first grow with my single T5

Check out my 2nd grow, i could use some advice how to tame my sativa cuz shes too fecking big!
appreciate it...hehe...fecking?...alright, got lot's of you chatting that...hehe

....stop by right after this...actually, wasn't I there not too long ago?....well, I do partake in the burning of the green....

alrighty then........
before starting, realized the other day that the plants are in fact each a totally unique individual...even though they all came from the same seed, I swear each has or had their own, feck what's the word, hmmmm, style? nah....ugh, well it's not personality but something like it....can't think of a word right now...hehe..think it was the hits?....
for an example Veronica's fan leaves are NO way near as big as Xtasy's..?..Xtasy's the first to grow out to the left, etc...that kind of shite...so makes me kinda glad we do the name thing....hope that answer's some of the huh? why you name them....
would like to also reiterate that this journal is for my record and also for folks looking to grow in an apartment or small space environment.... inclusive of noise, heat, smell, blah, blah
the girls look marvelous...don't you agree?....smell nice, roots good.....Veronica is budding well, though far short of the amount Tina had, another example, but she is still going to do well....hehe, look at fecking Xtasy....she's looking like a killa girl coming out....her fans are huge....none of the others had them like that....included a picture of the clones...from past experience, they look like they are taking....and we also sprung a WhiteRhino little girl and hope to work her and her clones into the rotation....
finally...just checking the babies...make sure no mold or shite....look good...
peace.....here's to Louie

..alright, alright...they're like fecking Lay's potato chips...