Pre Flower, or flute leaf?


Active Member
These are my plants 2 days short of 5 weeks from seed, so 33 days...

Anyone wanna give this one a shot? I've seen maybe 3-4 of these little guys around my plant. This is the biggest one and the others are SUPER small. I couldn't tell if this was a pre-flower of some kind or a random leaf coming out. Weird thing is I don't see these everywhere, just a few on some select nodes.

Anyone know how much longer I should veg befor switching to 12/12? I plan to decrease the light over 6 days, 1 hour a day. Should I do an -hour every other day?

BTW - I'm under a 2ft 4 bulb T5 and 2 CFLs, unknown strains.

Thanks :leaf:


they look very indica dominate. the platns will tend to be shorter and bushier. i would let them go another week then switch them. i have never tried decresing the photoperiod gradually, but im sure it wouldnt hurt anything. as far as your pre-flower. unfortunally, it looks male. i have had a few males and the pre-flowers looked similar. if it is only affecting one plant watch it very carfully; you dont want it polinating possible females.


Active Member
they look very indica dominate. the platns will tend to be shorter and bushier. i would let them go another week then switch them. i have never tried decresing the photoperiod gradually, but im sure it wouldnt hurt anything. as far as your pre-flower. unfortunally, it looks male. i have had a few males and the pre-flowers looked similar. if it is only affecting one plant watch it very carfully; you dont want it polinating possible females.
Ya I figured about another week then 6 days of decreasing light. Can anyone confirm if decreasing light works any better? I was thinking the plant might stress for a few days after taking away 6 hours of light per day right off the bat.

Really.. A male? I was hoping that was female because it's a single pod or calyx, w.e it's called. I don't see any clusters of them, only singles. Although I know male pre-flowers start out as singles, so I'll watch it carefully until I start flowering... That's unfortunate =\ Can I get a 2nd opinion on this?


Well-Known Member
There looks like a ball developing on the right side mid node.
You have a few pistol looking growths but those are common on all plants through all stages of life.
It looks like, there is one circular ball growing. I say Male.