Pre Mature Bud =) fuckkk


Active Member
aright so im on like my 5th week of flowering
its not even close to being finished, im gonna pull her tonight due to a week of rain in the forecast and its been cold as fuck at night, is their anything i can do to make it a better smoke?
or next year just have a better location
it was fun and ill be sad
but shell just die if i leave her for a week


Well-Known Member
just wait it out, when it rains cover her with a garbage bag or bring it inside, premie plants are not worth all the money and time you put into it.


Well-Known Member
Also your not the only person I have heard of having a long flowering cycle this year, seems to be effecting many people, I think its because of the La Nina year.


Well-Known Member
why don't you just bring it into an inside location? dig her out of the ground and transplant her into a container with soil.

would save you from having to harvest at such an early period.

That's what I would do anyhow.. but hey if you want to harvest it.. go right on ahead.

*shaking my head*... ughh.

Good luck.


Active Member
i would love to bring her inside, but its not worth the trouble where i live, im in nyc so its like super hard
it upset about it but theres nothing i really can do
it sucks


Well-Known Member
i would love to bring her inside, but its not worth the trouble where i live, im in nyc so its like super hard
it upset about it but theres nothing i really can do
it sucks
nah, I mean.. hey whatever you think. Personally though, my happy ass would find a way to make it work. Where there's a will.. there's a way my friend. ;) Trust me.. I'd make it work out somehow. There's nothing like the feeling you get inside.. when your weeks into flowering.. and something goes terribly wrong causing the plant to either suddenly die.. or causing the grower to have to harvest the plant weeks before due harvest date. I've been there done that.. and it sucks. So yeah, I'd find a way to make that work man.

You don't really understand and or realize just really how long its been since your plant(s) were just a little seed... until harvest time comes.. or in your case.. an early premature harvest has to be executed.

At least TRY and find a way to let it finish up inside man.. don't just give up.

Best of luck to ya.



Active Member
ahhh you have no clue how bad i wanna bring it inside, the thing is, the kids on the floor above me grew last year inside
dea cught all of them, all in jail i knew all of them, i dont wanna risk it
its not worth it, its sad cause i love my fucking plant dude. this is my first grow i got pretty far but idk, im gonna dry and cure it u buy some bags of keif and sprinkle it on hahaha
next year tho , im planing something big
thx for the reply
and good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
I'd leave it out, the good lord makes it rain on plants all the time bro, its not a guarantee it will mold it?

tony nice

yes keep it and shake it off after the rains and just keep an eye out for mold and just cut it out if there is any you will have 2x as much bud if u wait even if the weather is shitty. let her live.


Well-Known Member
Speaking on location.. next time find an area with more direct sunlight. This may reduce security but it will be worth it in yield. Plants not recieving proper sunlight take longer to mature. Oh and plant earlier too. Good luck


Active Member
you ll be sorry dude ,let it go if it dies so be it , but atleast you can say the weather did it an not me .


Active Member
For one...It definately depends on how much time you have to look at the plants daily. I would be worried that after all the rain..not only will there be places that you can see mold, but in many of my experiences with rain...mold also starts on the inside of those dense tops and before you see the nug it started get to toss the whole cola. So the question is whether there is enough bud (and it is mature enough) to justify taking it to be sure it doesn't mold. I just got done taking my ladies down about 1-2 weeks earlier than I'd have liked. But after 2 days of rain..and the bud I've lost in the past..I found it more worth while to take the solid buds a little immature, rather than throwing the majority out. But again..mine were only a week or so short of being mature. ( just a note...only after 2 days of rain..I still lost about 1/4 of crop). Waiting longer was not an option. - One suggestion for future grows is that you should find a spot that not only gets many hours of direct light to grow big plants, but be sure to find a spot with early morning sun to dry off that night dew/dampness that contributes to mold in the fall.


Active Member
Tis' better to let her live and wait until she shows signs of dying before you just up and cut her down. Who knows, she could do perfectly fine until shes ripe.


Well-Known Member
Also your not the only person I have heard of having a long flowering cycle this year, seems to be effecting many people, I think its because of the La Nina year.[/Q]

La Nina? Depends where you live i guess. La Nina? Really far far away from my place LOL. La Nina? Funny how you guys from States and Oz give names to winds and shit like that. ;)))


Well-Known Member
Also your not the only person I have heard of having a long flowering cycle this year, seems to be effecting many people, I think its because of the La Nina year.[/Q]

La Nina? Depends where you live i guess. La Nina? Really far far away from my place LOL. La Nina? Funny how you guys from States and Oz give names to winds and shit like that. ;)))
Probably has something to do with europe not being affected by it.