hey guys Captain Acid here,
this is my first grow and i have plants indoor and outdoor, and autoflower and photos,
i kept 2 autoflowers outdoor and let them enjoy these sunny days in summerland.
after 2 weeks i come back from work and check up on them and see that the outdoor (ak47 or jack herrer) started to flower!
as you can see her sister is still vegging, and they have been fed and kept in the same enviroment... they are even the same exact size.
is this bad? is there anyway i can take it back to veg? or is it normal for autos?
i dont mind as long as i can get about an ounce out of it... just really want to taste the famous ak!

anyways thanks again for the future support

Throw seed no bombs!



Well-Known Member
autos flower have the plant low rider in them and temps are not favorable were they grow and finish whithin a few months as to escape the weather so flower at this stage maybe just right ! they could double I'm size depending on level of care and conditions . but they don't get to tall.
yeah this is my first grow so I didn't know what to excpect . I guess the other autos are from different genetics but I guess the others will start flowering soon too! thanks for info bro