Prepping for First Grow


Active Member
Hey all, I've been reading different grow forums/guides silently for years now and I think I'm finally ready to take the plunge knowing all the 'basics'. A few primer questions though before starting up, though they mostly go against what I already think is better judgement.

1) I'm trying for stealth and small (like 2 or 3 plants). Do I need to pick up feminized seeds so that I don't waste my time on such few plants for them to turn out male? (I know males aren't for the trash can or anything, but since fem is the way to go...)

2) Since aeroponics is probably only for advanced growers (please let me know if this is a myth) what is the fastest way to grow? High watt lights, strong on the nutes. and then flush before harvest? Problem is I'm trying to keep the budget to like, 200/250 max..

3) I'm moving to upstate NY where its a bit chilly, and I'll be growing starting in July probably. This puts harvest in Winter, right? Any known issues? I figure at least I won't have to deal with bugs.

Mostly I just wanted to say yo to everyone, and as soon as I get settled in the new place I'll start up a grow diary, but wanted to plot out my growing situation early to knock out the kinks.


Well-Known Member
1) I think that getting some fem seeds is a good idea in your case.. look around the seedbanks, there are some cheap fem seeds (sold in packs of 5) on the market if you're trying to keep costs minimal

2) Since this is your 1st grow, go with soil, as aero/hydro is better suited for an experienced grower (and yes, hydro is quicker from seed to harvest but don't get caught up with that inclination quite yet).. unless u feel that you've researched enough or get lucky and have someone on the site help u along in private as you go (i dont do hydro/aero but there are many growers here who are more than eager to share their knowledge).
If you're growing 2-3 plants, you could get by with a 250W light, 400W is better but you'll run into more heat/ventilation problems with a 400 and stealth is an issue with any HID light.

IMO, 'strong on the nutes' is a myth.. 'optimal nutrients' is what you should strive for (this could be 1/4 -1/2-full strength nutes depending on strain).. a plant can only take so much before you burn/mame/kill it (but then again, i use organic nutes/compost so take this comment for what its worth)

*there is no fast method to grow.. thru experience u will grow better/stronger plants but that takes.. well.. experience

3) I dont quite understand that question.. u plan on growing indoors, right? if so, the only difference you will notice is that humidity levels decrease significantly in winter when compared to summer when you live in upstate NY (or any northern area).. but dont worry about that.. thats low on the priority list.

if you start seeds in middle of July.. maybe veg for 5-6 weeks, expect a harvest around the end of Oct...

hope that helps and welcome to the forum, dont be afraid to ask questions!! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I assume that you're thinking of growing inside.

If this's the case, you can't 100% exclude bugs, I've had two different grows, indoors, my first being when I lived in the North, U.K.

I had issues with Weevile beetles, apparently they can devastate a crop, but I sorted that problem out.

A year ago, moved far South, again, indoor grow, I encountered a species of bug, that resembles a common cat flea, yet it's white, slightly smaller than a flea, and can live on water surface.

Regarding my first bug issue, it could've well come in with the bags of grow media I used, or equally through the window.

Doesn't harm to have pesticide at the ready, better well prepared, than caught off guard, eh?


Active Member
Thanks! the "expect to harvest in Oct." was great to know.

Another question, this one's about size:
I've seen a lot of different sized plants out there, from those big trees (which I will not be doing ), to the tiny plant in the PC, and then in the aeropod thread some people were saying not to grow a plant more than four inches. Also there's the Scrog method (which reminds me of veal, and I don't know how you keep everything healthy since its hidden away)
What can I learn from this? Do smaller plants mean you switch from veg to flower stage sooner, and then harvest less bud? The trade-off seems to be between how much weight you want and how much time you want to wait for it, is this correct? Thanks,


Well-Known Member
i live in upstate NY . its a very bad climate to grow outdoors in. u really only get 2 mayb 2 1/2 months of good climate that treifers would be good in.


Well-Known Member
Yes, smaller plants are due to a shorter veg period.. the longer you veg, the more bud you will harvest.. the trade-off you mentioned isnt totally correct, as seedlings take 3 solid weeks to grow a plant 'worthy' of flowering (imo).. but if you wait 3 more weeks, that plant will be so much bigger and bushier, it will produce more than enough bud to satisfy the extra wait time.

I would wait until i had a grow my belt before trying a SOG/ScrOG or advanced aero grow.. they are a little more complicated and you will have enough challenges with this grow to keep you busy, :peace:


Well-Known Member
yea. im on my first grow too. its too god dam hard to wait. lol especialy when u have no bud to smoke in the mean time.....


Active Member
@Jtoth definitely an indoor grow. I just wanted to know if other people had experienced weird things with the weather (the humidity thing was something I should have known but forgot). I also wanted to see since apartments never get quite as warm as the thermostat reads, but I guess the lights keep them warm (even the roots?)

So this is the gameplan:
- Fem'd seeds. Germ a few in some rockwool (not too expensive I'm guessing) or small cups of neutral soil.

- Put 'em under the 250 Watt lights when they poke their heads out. (keep the lights low to the plant, like two inches away, right? but doesn't that burn your younglings since the wattage is so high?). I'll use those pots that you put the water in the bottom so it soaks up to make sure that my stuff doesn't drown/thirst. Little fan on top to strengthen the stalks (though I'll want to pay attention to temp. I guess so I don't cancel out the one source of heat.

- Move to three bigger pots with pH-neutral soil (right? or slightly acid I've heard as well). Light 'em for at least 18 hrs. a day for 4-6 weeks, moving the light up as they grow. I have a 75 Watt growlight which I guess I could stick below at an angle to let the lower branches get some supplemental light. Mist the leaves every once in a while
with water/light nutes.

- When they get big (enough) I switch to the flowering stage by alternating the light 12- on 12-off and changing the balance of the nutes from nitro-heavy to P-k heavy. I don't really want to buy more than one high-powered light, is the timing difference all I need to instigate the change to flowering? This is the part where I'm worried about the cold air messing my plants up while the lights are out...

- Pray for females. Let them flower for a month and a half (basically as long as I let them veg. for). Do some slight pruning to encourage stronger growth I've heard. Please correct if I'm wrong.

- Collect some kindling, savagely rip the plants from the pot, Throw them in a bowl with some gasoline, Cover my head with a towel, light them all on fire and inhale deeply... right?