Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Discusses Marijuana.


New Member
Did anyone watch "Face The Nation" this morning? Ron Paul was a guest ... and he was great. Schiffer, the host, talked down to him like most leftist, elitists A-holes would, but Paul just remained his friendly self and explained his policies very well. I especially liked his explanation of honest money. He made the point very well that fiat (paper) money moves wealth upwards and drains the middle and lower classes of wealth through the hidden tax called "inflation."



Active Member
Ron Paul is one of the only smart people in the governmintel system and i totaly agree with him and im sure alot of people do.


New Member
Ron Paul is one of the only smart people in the governmintel system and i totaly agree with him and im sure alot of people do.
You may be interested in this ... If you get a chance, try to find a little book written by Ron Paul titled "The Money Book." When you read it, you'll find out just how smart of a man Ron Paul is. When it comes to the money issue, the guy's a genius.

Here's a link to some of his books. You may have to search the used market to find the book I recommended above. Ron Paul Library, Books


PS: I just discovered that if you go to the site and click on the books, you can read the texts. Pretty cool. :)


Well-Known Member
Did anyone watch "Face The Nation" this morning? Ron Paul was a guest ... and he was great. Schiffer, the host, talked down to him like most leftist, elitists A-holes would, Vi
... and pray tell us how do you think faux news would have treated Dr. Paul? So save that leftist elitists shit.:roll:


Well-Known Member
my wife just called me......wanted to know who ron paul was. she saw a bumper sticker that said "who's ron paul?". so she called and asked me. i said "some dude". lol


New Member
my wife just called me......wanted to know who ron paul was. she saw a bumper sticker that said "who's ron paul?". so she called and asked me. i said "some dude". lol
And therein lies his problem,very few non-political folks know him or his ideals. That is why His chances are slim to none.


New Member
... and pray tell us how do you think faux news would have treated Dr. Paul? So save that leftist elitists shit.:roll:
I believe that if Ron Paul were to be interviewed on Fox News, he would be treated with respect. Very much contrary to the condescending, self righteous, insulting, overbearing attitude of Shiffer on Face the Nation.



Nothing Has Changed

Active Member
I believe that if Ron Paul were to be interviewed on Fox News, he would be treated with respect. Very much contrary to the condescending, self righteous, insulting, overbearing attitude of Shiffer on Face the Nation.


You can go to youtube and see how well Hannity treats Paul if you'd like. To me, it's definately the opposite of being treated with respect.

Nothing Has Changed

Active Member
You may be interested in this ... If you get a chance, try to find a little book written by Ron Paul titled "The Money Book." When you read it, you'll find out just how smart of a man Ron Paul is. When it comes to the money issue, the guy's a genius.

Here's a link to some of his books. You may have to search the used market to find the book I recommended above. Ron Paul Library, Books


PS: I just discovered that if you go to the site and click on the books, you can read the texts. Pretty cool. :)
I think I have a yeast infection. Quick, get a hold of Bernanke! :joint::peace:


New Member
You can go to youtube and see how well Hannity treats Paul if you'd like. To me, it's definately the opposite of being treated with respect.
Hannity is a condecending asshole in his own right. Did you catch the interview he did with the governor of Colorado a couple of years ago? The Gov was trying to make a point on the legalization of marijuana and Hannity wouldn't let him make any points or get a word in edge-wise. IMHO, Hannity is a pompous ass. And by the way, Hannity by no means makes up the entirety of Fox News.



New Member
Hannity is a condecending asshole in his own right. Did you catch the interview he did with the governor of Colorado a couple of years ago? The Gov was trying to make a point on the legalization of marijuana and Hannity wouldn't let him make any points or get a word in edge-wise. IMHO, Hannity is a pompous ass. And by the way, Hannity by no means makes up the entirety of Fox News.

Hannity is indeed a pompous ass, but reflects the general view of Fox Noise, You can tune in any time of day and witness extreme Dem-bashing in progress. Fair and balanced my ass, They use Alan Colmes as a straw man for hannity, the balanced part of fair and balanced, ~LOL~, a fucking joke.


Well-Known Member
Hannity is a condecending asshole in his own right. Did you catch the interview he did with the governor of Colorado a couple of years ago? The Gov was trying to make a point on the legalization of marijuana and Hannity wouldn't let him make any points or get a word in edge-wise. IMHO, Hannity is a pompous ass. And by the way, Hannity by no means makes up the entirety of Fox News.

it was right after that post-"debate" "interview" with R. Paul that i decided to spend any spare time watching Discovery HD theater during the H&C time slot! haven't regretted the switch one bit. :)




New Member
There are pompous asses on both sides of the issue. I've been taping the Bill Maher program and watching it every morning. Maher is on the same level of pompousness as Hannity for sure. I'm not saying he isn't funny. Funny he is. But he's still a pompous ass.



Well-Known Member
There are pompous asses on both sides of the issue. I've been taping the Bill Maher program and watching it every morning. Maher is on the same level of pompousness as Hannity for sure. I'm not saying he isn't funny. Funny he is. But he's still a pompous ass.

Hey, I like Bill Maher! He's one of the few ppl in the media who gave Ron Paul the respect he deserves. He's had him on his show twice and even went as far to say that Paul should be the next president.


New Member
Hey, I like Bill Maher! He's one of the few ppl in the media who gave Ron Paul the respect he deserves. He's had him on his show twice and even went as far to say that Paul should be the next president.
I like Maher too. I watch him to get the Left's perspective on things. Same reason I read Ann Coulter ... to get the perspective of the Right. Both Maher and Coulter use humor to get their points across, and I really like that.

Maher may have treated Ron Paul with respect, but Maher is still a smug, pompous ass. ~lol~



Well-Known Member
Maher may have treated Ron Paul with respect, but Maher is still a smug, pompous ass. ~lol~

Lol that made me laugh. Hey, at least, you watch him. He's pretty far left-wing. I give you credit for that. That would be like me watching Bill O'Reilly lol