prices of weed?....


Well-Known Member
LOL no not stealing weed.....A lot of crop sites get forgotten about, and Combines harvest the corn, leaving EASY to find pot plants that are cut down to 1/3 its size....but you can always find bottom nugs left for dead.

Also what your discribing i have also experienced...the mass produced, non-flushed exported pot with no love...I'm not racist but alot of the japanese and koreans in my area are responsible for this.
Oh, well that's cool man, glad those left over buds get put to good use haha. That's interesting about the japanese and koreans, I'm not racist either, but I know other cultures can bring bad practices from their *sometimes* less educated/regulated countries, I experience it every day. Now I hate that I'm about to say this but... Somalians are the WORST fucking drivers in the whole god damn world:wall:. They always drive SO FUCKING SLOW, especially when it snows, and I have never seen a somalian use a fucking turn signal. I mean, do they even give them a driving test before they give them a license? OMG I'M TURNING INTO MY FATHER AS WE SPEAK. Haha I know its because they don't know any better, so I blame America for giving them the right without teaching them. TheDankness is an equal opportunity grower haha.


Well-Known Member
damn koreans. toyotas suck.
Dude you're living in a dreamworld. My girlfriends '97 Toyota has roughly 60,000 more miles on it than my '02 Dodge, and it runs like it just came off of the assembly line. She hasn't needed one major repair since she bought the thing, only brake pads once and oil changes. My Dodge you ask? Needed about $1500 in repairs done about a month after the warranty was up. Nuf said.


New Member
i've got a 90 carolla with 200k on it and it makes a blender sound when going uphill. i think i have the right to say toyota's suck.


Well-Known Member
i've got a 90 carolla with 200k on it and it makes a blender sound when going uphill. i think i have the right to say toyota's suck.
What do you expect at 200k? My neon won't even make it close... I think the old lady's camry will still be running when we're old and gray, it barely even makes a peep.

C'mon you have to agree toyota has like the best track record of any car manufacturer...


Active Member
I grow for medicinal purposes only, keeping within the laws of my state and would never think of selling. All my overages are given free to a few close friends who are qualified patients but unable to grow for themselves. Karma is a wonderful thing. :peace:


Well-Known Member
The fuck? I've never heard that one...:confused:
South Park...Kyle's adopted brother is Canadian, as well as Terrence and Phillip. The cartoon image has a hinged head instead of a defined mouth. All Canadian characters have this identifying feature.

Koreans don't make Toyotas, Japanese and Americans.

By the way I love Canadians...My car is one....'99 Honda Civic 209,000miles Tires, oil, and the timing belt @ 180,000 cuz it seemed like a good idea (rec. @90,000) and a few batteries, it eats them. Tranny is the only thing made in Japan, the rest Ontario! Hingeheads make good cars and hockey players.

:hug:Oh Canada:hug:


New Member
Ike is cool. kick the baby. do all canadians have weird heads? and is there really only one road in canada?


Well-Known Member
Ike is cool. kick the baby. do all canadians have weird heads? and is there really only one road in canada?
Yes they are all hinge heads...maybe even in real life I am not sure. As for the one road, it would make sense as I believe there to only be a hand full of people living in the great white north...bunch a hosers. Living a stones throw from ol' mexico, and hating heat/war/republicans/cannabis prohibition/suv's/urban sprawl/litter/billboards/coal fired power plants/damned rivers and jet skis, I think I may be a little jealous, and expressing this vile emotion inappropriately:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
KUSH 600 a qp.

as for eights 25 for good shit, and 30 for retarded....dont smoke mids lol IM FROM BC
The last I bought from my delivery club a couple of months ago was "BC Bud" 1/8 for $60. Near as I could tell...commercial Big Bud...manicured mids. I am sure they still grow good bud up there, but not like it was in the early 90's when BC grew the best.

I think you need a passport to get bud that cheap!


Well-Known Member
I pay $75 a half oz and $150 an O...

$25 an 8th, $50 a Q

I can get a qp from $400 and up depending on how good it is...

;) also from BC