problem=heat in small spaces

Could ne1 give me a rough idea of the least amount of ground space i would need to setup a 1000w bulb, with least chance of overheating?????

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
BTW, it's not "ground space" so much as the cubic capacity of the room - a 3x3 ground space with a 50 foot ceiling is obviously going to be able to handle that heat a lot better than the same area with a 4 foot ceiling.

Off the top of my head, I'd say that a minimum of 100 CF is needed (along with air-cooling the light).

Without air-cooling, the number of CF needed goes up bigtime.
BTW, it's not "ground space" so much as the cubic capacity of the room - a 3x3 ground space with a 50 foot ceiling is obviously going to be able to handle that heat a lot better than the same area with a 4 foot ceiling.

Off the top of my head, I'd say that a minimum of 100 CF is needed (along with air-cooling the light).

Without air-cooling, the number of CF needed goes up bigtime.
Yeh but u got wot i meant! thnx for info, got a rough idea now. Probably make it around 5x6x7.


Active Member
iv pulled off 4x4 by 8 tall , with one fan at the top, kept it cool, and heated the house all winter