
Well-Known Member
Okay, I forgot to water my plants this morning (in a extream hurry). And I come home to see my plants looke like they may soon die or have dired already. Any help is needed.



Well-Known Member
I just did water them. And burned? Ok I will raise the lights a bit more but there well over 2 inchec from plant.. closet to 3 or maybe even 6.. but then again theres 12 lights above it.. o_O well above it and my other plants im growin (seedlings)


Well-Known Member
do i know you?
If your talking to me probably not. I am a computer hacker. I don't hack into things unless I have a reason to tho so unless youve played Neopets, Graalonline, or some games from then no.. =p

also Yes I fed them a bit of Mirical Grow. I didnt have anythign to mix it in so I poured a bit directly onto the stem of the plant. Not a lot then I poured water on ater that. If I raise the light and wait till tomorrow will it be to late to resolve any further problems that may arise? I plan on waking up in about 6 to 8 hours from now.


Well-Known Member
hackers don't openly admit they are hackers kid
Correction. They do openly admit when they refer to the term as a person who has great skills with computer unles syou refer to cracker which is a hscker who uses for bad (cracking into systems and stealing information). I have nothing to hide. Yes I have done that before but I don't do it anymore. It grows out when you get out of highschool. Im not bragging or anything. Plain and simple.. im not the best nor do I claim to be.. im just another person behind a computer.. yeah this is off topic tho.. lol

Oh if you google search you may find little info on me. Im the same guy that came from graal using the nick iWir3D.. xD.. yeah ive done some reverse engeenering on games and made trainers.. im the iwir3d from both of my high schools first to get admin passwords in 7 years.. lol and I did it in 20 seconds at one and 7 days at the other.. Some exploits are just easier to spot and take advantage then others.


Well-Known Member
Ah if you mean that term of hacker then yes you are correct, crackers don't openly admit themselves usually unless they are script kiddies.


Well-Known Member
Ah if you mean that term of hacker then yes you are correct, crackers don't openly admit themselves usually unless they are script kiddies.
Yes. Script kiddies are funny tho. They steal a script and complain it doesnt work.. I suggest they learn c++ (if intended for linux/windows cross platform programming) or pascall if there mainly into windows. Since ease of use. I use pascal myself but I can read and code a bit of c++. Also Yes I have been hacked before. Twice as a matter of fact. On my linux pc I left a ssh server open and someone cracked my password.. overnight. erased my shadowfile (password) and i had to reboot from a live cd to get acess again.. the other timw was on my windows pc.. wasnt muchdamage.. they managed to steal some files.. that it.. but yeah this is way off subject.. lol


Well-Known Member
Is that tin foil your using? If so that could also be causing the burning. If you have to use tin foil always put the shiny side against the wall and the dull side out..


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Its a very little bit of aluminum foil.. I want to paint the walls white tho. Shinny side twards wall? Okay.. Ill go check that.


Well-Known Member
aluminum foil can cause issues with hotspots. Back in the days of when I ran a site similar this, and I had my server that hosted all of my data unprotected for a little while while I fixed some bugs with it. well bad idea. a couple trojans installed some backdoors and I was fucked.


Well-Known Member
ouch... must suck.. okay well hers the scoop with my plant.. it looks much worse today so I planted it outside so hopefully it can get better. If not, not a big deal. I have many more seeds growing now so all will be well. Just about a months worth of work gone.. =/

Quick question. I know this has been asked many times but I heard some storied on using Soda Water on plants. I happen to have a unlimited supply of FREE soda water at were I work. Would using thisd water directly on the plants be any benefit to me? Or the vapors from it or anything? And would I need to ph test it at all if so?