problems with an autoflowering LOW GIRL strain


Well-Known Member
lol im was runnin them on 24 hours but just switched to a 18/6 but i just picked up a 400w hps not sure if im gonna put it under it b4 it finishes. the other plant i got in the same reservoir is just blowing up its almost 14inches tall. its the chiesel from big buddh. im prolly just gonna cut 4 clones and im gonna get some ak47 clones and dirt grow em under the 400 watter and keep the chiesel in the 2gal reservoir as a mother.


Well-Known Member
so im moving my setup into a new room with a 400w hps sun system with an eye hortilux. ive got a 170cfm fan and scrubber. prolly gonna use my 2 42w and 2 26w cfls for sidelighting. im curious about trimming roots the chiesel is about 14" tall, prolly just gonna move it to a 5gal bucket and put the airstones in the bottom of it. the low girl auto is smelling very nice. ill get some pics up in a bit.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, im back and ive got a great update. so 2 weeks ago i moved my whole setup under a 400 watt hps. i moved the chiesel strain out of the reservoir into its own 5 gallon bucket. the autoflower has the 2 gal res all to itself. im giving the autoflowering straight water no nutes. its been about 8 and a half weeks for both the low girl auto and the chiesel. you will notice i have a new addition to the family. its a ak47 from serious seeds. it was vegging in a phototron for 8 weeks and started flowering for about a week. its a dirt grow so i hope it doesnt effect the hydro grow i got going. the chiesel is huge im very proud of her. id say shes about 36 inches. i switched to 12/12 a little less than a week ago. i would love some inputs here

the pics
the first 6 are bud porn of the autoflower.
the next 4 are the new addition. ak47 (very excited)
the last 4 are of the chiesel. ill post some more of the chiesel

lastely im gonna start a journal on the finish of this grow. hope you all stop over and check it out.



Well-Known Member
Wow, that low girl is looking great. I just started mine about a week ago. I started it with 3 other plants and the low girl is significantly smaller than the other 3, which I guess makes sense considering it is an auto. Keep us posted with the final yield.


Well-Known Member
final yield i only got 7 grams but with all the problems i had with it im glad it just didnt die. the buds are very nice and the taste is excellent. ive got another automatic im gonna do completely under the 400w hps. should see a significant difference. but for being a first time hydro grow im very happy with my results. especially considering the plant only got 6 inches tall but one bud yeilded 14g wet. im gonna cure for another week then ill post a smoke report.


Well-Known Member
how are you growing? hydro? i did nutes in the first 2 weeks and it screwed me. but if everything is stuck to schedule i dont see why you couldnt yield a oz.


Well-Known Member
No soil. I'm have it started indoors and will be moving it outside in about a week. It will be 3 weeks old by then. It's still pretty small for 2 weeks, but if it is anything like my other plants it will start growing fast once it hits the sun. I'd like to put it outside now, but in my experience it is better to wait a few weeks. The bigger it is when it goes out the higher the survival rate. I was hoping for about an ounce, but I dunno if you only got 7g I might be aiming a little high.


Well-Known Member
Hey man I ended up taking mine out about a week ago. Thought I'd throw a pic up to compare. Just took it yesterday at 3 weeks old (2 weeks inside and a week outside). Thought I would see more growth since the week it's been out, but the weather has been pretty rainy and didn't have much sun.

3 weeks low girl.jpg


Well-Known Member
looks good man. got ne more pics its been a couple weeks. my current grow which is a Big buddha cheese diesel strain is lookin good. im starting to see ovules at least i hope there ovules and not seeds. its a feminized seed. im doing it hydro and ive recently been adding FF big bloom. im not sure how much to use though for a 5gal res. the directions say it can be used for hydro but no measurments.


Well-Known Member
No new pics. I thought I had one on here, but I guess not. I'll get some up soon. I was actually going to take a walk out today, but it's been raining. She is doing pretty good though. I'm at around day 40 and it's been in full flower for about a week now. I do guerilla style and didn't really put it in the best spot, so it's only getting maybe 4-5 hours of direct sunlight a day. It was going to be more or less just an experiment, but when you started seeing flowers in June, I was wishing I found a better spot, haha. All it really has on it is the top cola, which is probably only about an inch or two long. Hopefully it puts on some more mass for me here in the home stretch. I also got a Buddha White Dwarf going that's about 3 weeks old. I'm expecting much more out of that one. I used Sunshine Mix instead of a crappy local brand of soil and it's in a really good spot that probably gets about 7-8 hours of direct sunlight a day. Maybe I'll just have my ounce yet. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hehe its all about how you grow it. i fucked myself but at least i still had a yield and it was dam good smoke. ive got another auto goin its fruit i think form dinafem and i got a w.w. goin and 8 masterkush and skunk #1 goin in a phototron. so does anyone know a feed schedule for FF big bloom and the lucas formula? lol a friend bought a gallon of FF big bloom and i want to add some to my res.