Procyon 100Watt LED Grow


Well-Known Member
I would like to see a side by side comparison of this light against a 400w hid light... Growing cannabis of course... =]

It looks very promising... =]

I would like to justify buying one of these... =]


Well-Known Member
I believe the utility of these types of lights might provide supplemental and key placed possibly for side lighting? Unless they are able to achieve HID comparable intensity....interesting techy developments though!


Well-Known Member
My first post..... I better make it good :dunce:

I've been tinkering with CREE red and blue emitter stars for the last few months used in combination with my MH and HPS HID lighting.

I simply add a small lightweight heatsink to the CREE red and blue emitters with Alumina adhesive, then affix a small plastic reflector with thermal double sided tape. Then the last steps are to wrap the heatsinked emitter star to a 10" piece of floral wire (so I can aim the light at lower branches that the HID lighting cannot penetrate) Then power it up with a simple AC/DC 2-12volt adapter. (Red uses 2volts at 350mh and the blue uses 3.4volts at 350mah)

The results are pretty interesting thus far and the lower branches now are thriving due to the extra CREE emitter light. Plus I can wrap the floral wire around the plants stem and aim the light exactly where I want it to go.

The Procyon 100 uses 56 CREE XLamp emitters. The same emitters that I've been tinkering with. The cheapest I could buy 56 Xlamp CREE red and blue emitter stars is around $271 for fifty-six of them, but for now, my tinkering will suffice. Maybe later I'll build my own CREE Xlamp with 100 emitters, gotta one up Procyon :mrgreen:

Maybe later I'll snap a few pics of the red and blue CREE LED emitter stars in action.

PS, This is a red CREE XLAMP emitter star:
