Project Growroom


Well-Known Member
OK, its 1:02AM as I write this and man I'm tired. I spent almost 8 hours today building to get where I'm at right now. I hit my thumb with the hammer and I used muscles that haven't been used in a long time! But anyways...I have attached some updated pics. I still need to put electrical in and my 12" and 6" ducting should be coming in pretty soon.

Since I didn't have anyone to help me put up the carbon filter, that has to wait until the weekend.

I also turned on the lights when I had the mylar in place and wow is it bright! I spent over $3K on everything and this better be worth it. I'm bruised, hurt, and tired. I didn't know that building a grow room took this much time and effort. Ok I'm just rambling on and on...

Oh yeah...I've also decided to setup a prototype aeroponics setup. That should be built by the weekend and I have germinated again some AK47, Durban Posion, and other bagseeds. Enjoy!



Well-Known Member
Great job you done there Blackhawk420.
When you get it running and work out the bugs and a couple of grows it will be worth-your while for sure.Wish I had a basement.Real nice job.Oh and the air vents you can use two PVC 4" elows turned down to the floor.That way they will block light and get air too. Keep us posted. Peace


Well-Known Member
low, big and filtered. adding a house filter can lower RH up to 30%. also lowers spores, dust and other unwanted contanaments from you grow room air. what are your temps with the lights on and your exaust running? where is your air took from, and exausted to? and what is the max temps it gets outside where your setup? what about co2? these will determine if you will need an A/C, or air cool your lights. if the temp going in your room is high in the summer say, then having an intake fan wont bring down your temps. if it is + a few degrees then hooking up a duct to your light with a 6" squirl cage or inline 450cfm or so would do it justice. too high of intake temps and you might want to do that and get an A/C. by testing your room you should be able to determine what will best work cost effectively. co2, when implemented, you dont want your exaust constantly running but rather hooked up to a sensor plug or timer and kick on when temps get to hight thus utilizing your co2. at this point every penny seems like 300,001 too many. but will make cents when your first harvest is here. do you have a veg room for mothers or will you use all seeds? if you do clone what technique are you using? (propogation, ez cloner?) is this going to be a perpetual cycle?


Well-Known Member
mate it looks awesome. You must have some balls goin into this venture being a beginner n all and forking out 3k on the grow room. but if all goes well (hopefully) u'll b reaping the rewards. Good luck with it all n keep us posted


Well-Known Member

My fresh air will be going through a couple of 6" passive intakes that I hav setup with a HVAC filter sitting behind it and I won't be running the exhuast 24x7. The exhuast will run when it gets up to a certain temperature;~78 degree's and it'll be activated by my temp controller. I still haven't tested RH, but I still have about another month to do some testing to work out the bugs. I'm going to start my inital tests this weekend to determine my temp with lights running as well as my RH.


Well-Known Member
Have you been smoking a bit 2 much as progress on your grow room has slowed down lately. Any more pics to show us


Well-Known Member
Looking real good mate...can't wait to see it full with lovely buds!

I still can't believe the size of that filter man, it's SO big!!


sorry a question from someone with no dro experience. with that type of setup how do your roots stay moist??? im guessing you have little mist things in their but since theres no pic of that, im asking :s