promix vs soil


Well-Known Member
Promix will give you happy plants. Soil can be anything from sandy to loamy. What kind of soil do you have?

Canna likes sandy soil better. She hates soggy roots. Unless they are floating in bubbled water of course.


Well-Known Member
Promix is consistent and easy. I really cannot imagine anything easier. Coco might be just as easy.

Promix is cheap. I buy the big box store version and add perlite. At transplant I add Mykos. I've used Jack's Citrus (20-10-20) the whole grow the last 2 grows (tapering to nothing during flower). I have Ca (shells) and Mg (Epson) at the ready but....not counting electricity or equipment depreciation I grew 6 plants for $22 while yielding "about a pound" the last couple harvests.

almost impossible to fuck up the watering.
Probably, less buggy
No mile long organic ingredient list.
Less unknowns
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Well-Known Member
Promix is consistent and easy. I really cannot imagine anything easier. Coco might be just as easy.

Promix is cheap. I buy the big box store version and add perlite. At transplant I add Mykos. I've used Jack's Citrus (20-10-20) the whole grow (tapering to nothing during flower). I have Ca (shells) and Mg (Epson) at the ready but....not counting electricity or equipment depreciation I grew 6 plants for $22 while yeilding
so would you say you can yield more in promix?


Well-Known Member
so would you say you can yield more in promix?
Please reread my previous as you grabbed before I was done.

No, not saying Promix will yield you more. Promix is a purebred...soil comes in many mongrel flavors. I Will say that it can give you similar yields, easier.


New Member
hello and goodmorning to all
bravedave what kind of promix do you suggest for northen lights and amnesia haze?
do you know any good store to buy online?
about mykos is a must or just another extra?
my plan is to start them in 10 lt pots so avoid transplant is it good idea?


Well-Known Member
hello and goodmorning to all
bravedave what kind of promix do you suggest for northen lights and amnesia haze?
do you know any good store to buy online?
about mykos is a must or just another extra?
my plan is to start them in 10 lt pots so avoid transplant is it good idea?
I buy the cheap Promix sold at big box stores. (Lowes, Home Depot). $14 for 2 cu. ft. I add the Mykos and the perlite to emulate the higher end Promix HP. I buy local. No online suggestion. Easy to make your own assuming peat is available. I ran without Mykos also and have witnessed the root (and yield) enhancement it claims when I use it.
I transplant out of necessity. You are fine going straight to the final pot.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
using bottled nutes, use pro-mix
using soil, go organic
pouring bottled nutes on your soil, is like making rosin out of your bud, and then smoking the rosin chips, it defeats the purpose.


Well-Known Member
I am in the midst of trying a 40% promix HP-CC 60% fox farms ocean forest and the results are fantastic so far. I did add quite a bit of perlite though because I like my pots to dry out rather quickly. Heres the entire recipe:

40% pro mix
50% ocean forest
10% perlite
+ 1 tbl soil sweetner (dolomite lime) for every gallon of finished soil.

Reasoning is I love ocean forest but at times it can be to hot, low ph, and doesnt dry out fast enough. With the amendments things seem to be perfect right now. lush green veg after about a month of 18/6.

Obviously I will have to feed them sooner but I don't have a problem with that at all.