Proof of voter fraud found


Well-Known Member
Main or not. Make no difference all tools. What cult am I supposed to be in since I’m not the worship your slave master government cult?

you do everything they tell you to like good slave?
It is hard to keep you sock puppets in order, but I think you have been the 'both sides' cult.


Well-Known Member
Yeah go to your slave master government tools to learn something. That’s smart.

you are aware they have laws saying they can use media for propaganda. And you believe you gov media. That’s smart.
Yeah and the Democrats have only had 2 years in each of the first term of each Democratic POTUS (shit Biden has not even had a year yet) out of the last 50 to get anything done and that was with a Republican recession dumped on their lap, which then get's trolled by idiots who spew 'both sides' cuckery.

I have a whole 1 account
Ok? Do you understand how the attack on our democracy is happening? Should I just trust that?

and I am not on any sides.
Yeah that is the entire point.

If you can't see the difference in today's Democratic and Republican party, one of which is actively attacking our democracy using all those propaganda loopholes to trick their cult into thinking that they are a viable option, either you have been brainwashed by the right wing propaganda trolls cat-fishing as left, or you are full of shit.