Proof that democrats are volient and crazy!

The problem is not democrats or republicans.. It's stupid ass Americans in general.

Lol fucking Texas...

So a little about me..

I am a republicrat. I was born and raised in Texas in the inner city of Dallas and Arlington.
Which is 80% democrat. My parents were raised in the country Lubbock and Pasadena raised republican but converted to democrat.

Lol I've been trolling with this thread.

My list of who I liked

Rand Paul
Bernie Sanders

I'm definitely not biased toward one party of the other.

What I believe

Small government
Pro marijuana
Pro choice
Pro gun
Pro gay
Pro constitution
I do believe we need border control.

I've dated girls from all races.
I've dated as many black and mexican girls as I have white girls.

Current gf is Filipina

The majority of my friends are indeed black. But I troll them too as they troll me also. But they know me and know I'm full of shit.

My buddies will tell me to quit being a cracker and I'll tell them to quit being a n-word.. Lol nobody gets offened..

People need to loosen up..

I'll be the first admit there are crazy ass stupid religious racist white republicans. Lol but there are just as many stupid racist democratic blacks. There is even a new breed of racist white people that hate whites? Lol *cough* UB...

It doesn't matter. I love everyone.. Well except the Clintons...


Have nice day ;)
  1. using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
    "a violent confrontation with riot police"
    synonyms: brutal, vicious, savage, rough,aggressive, abusive, physically abusive, threatening, fierce,physical, wild, ferocious;More

See kids public schooling by democrats..
My list of who I liked

Rand Paul

What I believe

Small government
Pro marijuana
Pro choice
Pro gun
Pro gay
Pro constitution
I do believe we need border control.

rend pawl is a virulent anti-gay bigot who would trample the constitution to make sure they do not get equal rights. he wants to keep cannabis illegal, is against abortion even in cases of rape or incest, which would require massive government to enforce.

but at least he is an immigrant fearing gun nut like you. gotta have those guns to protect from all those scary foreigner, right?


There is even a new breed of racist white people that hate whites

rend pawl is a virulent anti-gay bigot who would trample the constitution to make sure they do not get equal rights. he wants to keep cannabis illegal, is against abortion even in cases of rape or incest, which would require massive government to enforce.

but at least he is an immigrant fearing gun nut like you. gotta have those guns to protect from all those scary foreigner, right?



the origins of "The post apocalyptic white family used in the propaganda you posted is quite amusing to me

So there we have it Australian Energizer batteries are racist!
rend pawl is a virulent anti-gay bigot who would trample the constitution to make sure they do not get equal rights. he wants to keep cannabis illegal, is against abortion even in cases of rape or incest, which would require massive government to enforce.

but at least he is an immigrant fearing gun nut like you. gotta have those guns to protect from all those scary foreigner, right?


I own guns to protect myself from the government and democrats