proof urine is a super fert for plants

hi and now i have a serious question ive just been paid and want to know what sort of fertilizer to use the piss run is over :) . i live in a rural town so supplies are limited but im thinking about using nitrosol and epsom salts is there any other suppliments that they should also be getting like calcium and such.
You should be able to get the green powerfeed for veg and the purple powerfeed for flower it’s all I use in my soil grows.
Dont give him ideas...
thats a shitty thing to say lol. im a first time grower and a novice and its nice when people give advise to help me out like gazza308 who gave constructive advise that im now using and went out and brought powerfeed and that are responding amazingly to it and have greened right up and are pumping as my nana once told me if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all and yes im experimenting and having fun doing so. i thank everyone that has commented positively and look forward to sharing harvest pics with you all have a great day and the urine was a stop gap measure :) as i am on a sickness benefit due to a serious medical condition i suffer from and get little money every week to survive so yes my garden is a pee free zone now
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just out of interest, blacksmithes would have there young boy trainee and have him piss in a bucket, hot metal would then be quenched in it and the high phosphrus content of the piss would impregnate the metal.

adult urine is high in nitrogen and young kids piss is high in phosphrus. just like plants, we use more nitrogen as we grow and phosphrus as we mature
thats a shitty thing to say lol. im a first time grower and a novice and its nice when people give advise to help me out like gazza308 who gave constructive advise that im now using and went out and brought powerfeed and that are responding amazingly to it and have greened right up and are pumping as my nana once told me if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all and yes im experimenting and having fun doing so. i thank everyone that has commented positively and look forward to sharing harvest pics with you all have a great day and the urine was a stop gap measure :) as i am on a sickness benefit due to a serious medical condition i suffer from and get little money every week to survive so yes my garden is a pee free zone now

It was a joke that went over your head. I meant by not giving you the idea to use your poo.

Although you can compost your own poo.

Eat well and your plants will benefit.

Not mocking you - I’ve peed on plants before haha
Did u get the purple powerfeed mate ? You swap to the purple one when they start to flower.

sorry to hear about your condition, don’t know if u mentions it but what strains are you running?
thats a shitty thing to say lol. im a first time grower and a novice and its nice when people give advise to help me out like gazza308 who gave constructive advise that im now using and went out and brought powerfeed and that are responding amazingly to it and have greened right up and are pumping as my nana once told me if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all and yes im experimenting and having fun doing so. i thank everyone that has commented positively and look forward to sharing harvest pics with you all have a great day and the urine was a stop gap measure :) as i am on a sickness benefit due to a serious medical condition i suffer from and get little money every week to survive so yes my garden is a pee free zone now
Let me clarify I'm 100% for something if it works and in your situation you might be using the best of your resources, but I still cant stop my self from the "shit show" of comments to come <3 good luck my friend
I'm starting a godundme to get you some nutes and equipment
urine is high in nitrogen. We have some big issues in nz with cows pissing in paddocks and urea runoff leaching into rivers and streams causing unwanted plant growth in said rivers and streams. It's factual that urine can be used as a fert. I wouldn't do it but yeh each to his own. Maybe I would piss on someone's plant if I really didn't like them lol
urine is high in nitrogen. We have some big issues in nz with cows pissing in paddocks and urea runoff leaching into rivers and streams causing unwanted plant growth in said rivers and streams. It's factual that urine can be used as a fert. I wouldn't do it but yeh each to his own. Maybe I would piss on someone's plant if I really didn't like them lol

Cows don't eat at McDonald's.