Proper RIU Etiquette


Well-Known Member
This is thread was started for those who havent got a clue and after I have seen blatant disrespect twords those who have made a major contribution to the RIU community, please feel free to add your two cents, heres mine...

1) Dont ask someones location, not even generally.

2) Dont pretend to know what your talking about if you have no proof.

3) Dont go hating on others with proof they have mastered thier craft

4) If you have a noob question feel free to use the search field

5) Dont waste time in others threads with repeat question if they have specified NOT to do so.

6) Do Not be a HATER or attempt to correct others spelling :finger:

7)IF your not sure of the "do's & dont" read above AGAIN

8) If you havent got a clue please refer to rules 1-6

this thread does not include everyone on RIU just the ones who insist on stayin ignorant :wall:

i am a noob..and i did alot of research before joining, and i do not ask dumb questions like you're talking about..i do need some help tho, i tried to post the url on here, dunno if i did..(my plants dying).

but the SEARCH ENGINE needs some major work, it takes pages and pages and pages of sensless threads before you find the answer your looking for! sometimes i search myself out. hence the help thread i posted.

what i loved about RIU was people didnt mind helping people, people on here SHARE there knowledge to many different people even if its on the same subject. but that is exactly how knowledge is gained, people who know, tell people who don't. everyone gets smarter, the weed and world get better!

end result i agree that many stupid post are out here, that can easily be searched for on RIU or even google. but you can't hate on people who simply can't find the answer due to the thousands of threds to sift through.


Well-Known Member
if you can't spell how can i expect you to understand me? not really worth my time trying to help is it? not when there are 10 other threads asking the same question. :wink:

we are a forum whose sole design is based around ASKING questions. there are NO stupid question and they can NEVER be asked enough.

i could go thru all of your posts and find what i believe to be stupid questions. i won't though. i'll answer them instead. it's much more HELPFUL.

you claim etiquette while bashing others. is that irony?


Well-Known Member
the search function is majorly flawed

what i do instead is go over to good ol google and type in "rollitup:*what im looking for*"