Proper Ventilation for 600W HPS


Active Member
So here is my question.. my grow space is 6'x4' in my spare bedroom walk-in closet. I have a fan going in there right now, and currently only using a 450W MH while my plants are in vegetative stage, but I plan to switch to the 600W HPS when flowering begins. What kind of cost-efficient ventilation would someone who knows what they are doing, recommend? I keep reading about people's ventilation set-ups and it all sounds so technical. This is my first grow btw.. I live alone, so smell isn't my biggest concern, but keeping the temperature stable, is. Right now I have a fan going in there, and I leave the door slightly open so air can go in and out.

I do not know if this matters, but I am only growing 4 as of right now.. If I don't kill them, I'll expand later. :)



Well-Known Member
Do you have a vented reflector that can fit an inline fan? Also, what are your current temps day/night (and I mean the plant's day/night ;-))?


Active Member
Well, I don't know what a vented reflector or an inline fan is, so my guess is no?? Umm, day temp ranges from 79-82. Night drops down to about 72-74.


Active Member
Oh wow, I see OK. Well... nope, I don't. I will tell you what I do have, a Home Depot Credit Card, lol. What can I put on that credit card that will help me? I am artist.. money isn't exactly piling in my lap right now. :)


Well-Known Member
Oh wow, I see OK. Well... nope, I don't. I will tell you what I do have, a Home Depot Credit Card, lol. What can I put on that credit card that will help me? I am artist.. money isn't exactly piling in my lap right now. :)
Unfortunately, I am not sure Home Depot carries anything that is close to the links I sent you but I could be wrong.

I think you are pretty good with your temps, I wouldn't worry too much about that stuff. I would worry about smell, even if you live alone. Do you live on top of a hill 20 miles away from everyone? Cuz that's how much my shit stinks when I turn my filter/fan off...:-P


Active Member
damn i had my room that hot check my journal its like two hundred bucks of fan, vents, and carbon filter
Well, I don't know what a vented reflector or an inline fan is, so my guess is no?? Umm, day temp ranges from 79-82. Night drops down to about 72-74.


Active Member
Yeah no I don't live on top of a hill 20 miles away.. lol. At times like these, I wish I was a tweaker. They always seem to know how to rig shit.


Well-Known Member
Yeah no I don't live on top of a hill 20 miles away.. lol. At times like these, I wish I was a tweaker. They always seem to know how to rig shit.
Tweaker huh? They have no patience and you need a great deal of that for growing. It's pretty Zen if you let it be.


Active Member
I have been super stressed lately, and when I go in the closet (sounds weird), my brain defrags.


Active Member
ok here is exactly what you need because i just ran the exact same set up a few months back. With your 600 hps you are going to make sure the hood you get is a cooling hood. so you can hook up an exiting duct to that hood. then your gonna want to get a Hydrofarm inline 400CFM fan (you can search 400 CFM fan on amazon and its the green one that pops up at the very top)
you could also go to a hydroponics store but ive notice they are $50 more expensive at the store as opposed to online.
hook up the duct to the hood of your HPS bulb, then hook up your Hydrofarm fan to the duct so its sucking the heat thats coming directly off the HPS bulb. Then what your going to want to do is find a good spot to exit the hot air into, i use the window but i know some people who just exit the hot air into the room next to there grow room.
if you are going to exit the hot air out of the window make sure you have carbon filters in the ducts or else your neighborhood is going to start wreaking.

another good thing to have is some cool air being blown into the grow room as well, instead of just hot air being sucked out. since its hot outside rite now what i did was connected a duct to my AC vent on the ceiling and put the other end of the duct on the floor of my grow room. so its blowing the cold air into only the grow room as opposed to the entire bedroom itself. therefore keeping it nice and cool while sucking hot air out at the same time

i even invested in a air conditioner for my window to keep my room extra cool during the summer even though i have a perfectly fine air conditioner, it all works amazingly and this method worked perfect for me. and its ironic because i ran a 600hps and a 450mh as well and this method kept my room at 75 steady. the buds came out beautiful. good luck to ya!


Active Member
also my four plants stunk a little bit but not to much. i had my ducts going out the window and when walking up to my home i only got a small wiff of dank by the time i got to the top of my driveway, however my entire house completely wreaked 24/7 even with the carbon filters in the growing room. and i was blowing air out the window like a mother fucker so i was suprised it didnt wreak more than it did


Active Member
Ok, a cooling hood, and a 400CFM fan.. Carbon filter and a duct.. I do have an attic door to that closet. Do you think the hot exiting air would be OK to exit out the attic door?


Active Member
yup,you can get 25ft ducting at lowes for pretty cheap, i usualy get my carbon filters online because theyre so expensive at the hydro store. and thats perfect you can go rite ahead and exit the duct into the attic no problem.
although you will need two 400 CFM fans, one for your exiting duct to vent out the hot air, and another to go on top of your carbon filter.
i recommend getting everything in 6 inches, one 6 inch ducting, two 6 inch 400 CFM fans, and one carbon filter that handles ranges around 400CFM.
my carbon filters are rated to handle 350CFM so i just use the 400 with it no problem.
do all that and you will be straaight


Active Member
Okie dokie!!! I am going to see what I can do about getting everything!! I appreciate the help and I will keep you posted. Thank you! :D