Pruning lower branches on plant a few days before flowering


Well-Known Member
My plants are getting pretty bushy inside of a 6x6 tent. I was wondering if i should prune off all of the bottom stuff to let light in and let it breathe a little better. The thing is I am going to need to flip them into flowering in about a day or two. PLEASE HELP! I heard this can make flowering retarded but the plants are so bushy alot of the inside growth has barely seen light and is having a hard time pushing its way through


try tying down some of the bigger branches; it will allow more light to the smaller guys. when you trim branches off, the plant takes a few extra days to a couple weeks to heal itself.


Well-Known Member
cut 'em now and make clones out of the cuttings. you can sell em to a friend if you dont want em or just clone em and then stick them in with the rest to flower.