pruning plants


Well-Known Member
I'm almost 4 weeks into veg. About to flower soon.
I haven't done any pruning yet...I was thinking about pruning off the lower leaves/branches.

Is it wise to prune during flowering stage?

Thanks for any advice. :leaf:

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
I'm almost 4 weeks into veg. About to flower soon.
I haven't done any pruning yet...I was thinking about pruning off the lower leaves/branches.
Is it wise to prune during flowering stage? Thanks for any advice. :leaf:
i trim all the way to about week 3 of flower. as long as you don't hack off too much, at any one time, you should be ok. i trim/cut quite a bit of leaves/branches throughout a grow. the trick is to keep it to a minimum. if i'm cutting off branches, i do no more than maybe 3 at a time. leaves, maybe 10, tops. this is to ensure you keep stress to a minimum. pot plants can take more abuse than most are willing to give, lol...


Well-Known Member
Only prune what needs to be pruned. Are you growing Scrog? Pruning is more beneficial in certain growing methods
not growing scrog...just normal grow looking to prune the lower unnecessary leaves....but nothing extreme


Well-Known Member
wait until week 2 of flowering to remove any branches in my opinion.. that way the stretch in the beginning of flower gives your little lower branches the opportunity to stretch for the light and thicken up. if your canopy is incredibly dense removing a few upper fan leaves and a few lower budsites will help.