

Hello Everyone, I'm doing my 1st ever grow/harvest..which means I need all the advice and friends I can get..LOL..I'm in my ending stage of VEG....
Getting ready to move them outta the Veg. chamber and into my Flowering chamber tomorrow..and I can't believe it but all my MJ babies are lookin pretty damn good...(knock on wood) Only 1 hiccup so far and it turned out to very minor...thank u the MJ gods...but I got a question about pruning...I haven't been doing this through out my veg. step at all...Is that gonna be a big problem?? I read a whole lot of research on topping and the fim technique..and I have done that once..I did notice somewhat of a boost in the bottom branches (dont know all the technical terms yet) but like I said I've done no pruning at all....does this need to be done?? and can it only be done in veg. state like the topping or does prunning happend through out the life of the plant??? also should I prune then wait a few days before moving chambers and what is the best way to prune??or wheres the best place /sites to get instructions and tips on pruning MJ plants??...Sorry for the long list of questions... If any one can answer my questions I'd be sooooo greatful..kiss-ass. HAPPY GARDENING TO ALL:weed:


Well-Known Member
No, it does not need to be done, but you will end up with lots of tiny popcorn buds on the lower branches that don't receive enough light. Pruning them will help the plant focus its energy on the main colas where it needs it most. You can trim after they start flowering but don't wait too long or it will stress the plant.


New Member
Okay, pruning/defoliation is a very controversial subject on RIU. Make sure you do a lot of homework on this subject. Don't let someone just tell you go for it or don't do it.


Well-Known Member
My last two plants, I experimented on one of them, and was sadly disappointed with the slowing in growth for about two weeks after I pulled a couple branches and some fan leaves, but the other that I lollipopped, also seemed to do the same thing.
I had no other plants to compare to, so I can't say if any of it helped with the upper bud development.


New Member
My last two plants, I experimented on one of them, and was sadly disappointed with the slowing in growth for about two weeks after I pulled a couple branches and some fan leaves, but the other that I lollipopped, also seemed to do the same thing.
I had no other plants to compare to, so I can't say if any of it helped with the upper bud development.
Once you develop a good technique it actually works out quite well.


Active Member
My advice is not to do any topping / fimming /defoliation on your first grow and just watch, get 1 main cola and see how its meant to be , if you fuck on with your plant too much you will get poor results . next time try topping if u want but stick to basics for your first . good luck


New Member
My advice is not to do any topping / fimming /defoliation on your first grow and just watch, get 1 main cola and see how its meant to be , if you fuck on with your plant too much you will get poor results . next time try topping if u want but stick to basics for your first . good luck
You don't have to do those things to have more than one main cola. But, I agree, first grow, just get dialed in and get the feel for it at first.


THANKS TO EVERY1 for the info... It's greatly appreciated...I feel that I probably should have waited on the topping and the FIMming as stated by "Mousebuddah" above but I did feel comfortable with trying the technique and about 2 days later I did start to notice a boost... but this IS my 1st grow ever so,a few days after I already cut I realized that I didn't have anything to compare to was the really nice boost I was starting to notice because of the FIMming or were they going through a nice growth spurt??.. I think next time I'll do half and half so I can compare...I was pleased to find out that pruning can be done in flowering stage(well the beginning of the stage anyways) because after doing some research I was soooo worried about what "Majek" was stating about ending up with the little popcorn buds and the plant wasting the energy that could be going to the main colas...but sorry guys even though I made up my mind and I'm going to prune...I have yet another question.. If I'm going to prune, should I prune tonight and extend the veg stage a few days then move them to the flowering chamber...or should I move them tonight and then wait a few days then prune?? Due to causing stress on the plant I Just wanted another opinion or thought on which way would cause the least amount of stress on the plants... thanks ahead of time to all my fellow gardeners...



Hello Everyone, I'm back after the last 6 hours of researching.....and...I severely changed my mind... I chose NOT to prune!!!!!! after all. At Least not with this harvest anyways...after watching video upon video and reading tons and tons on pruning I realized I am know where near KNOWING how to even begin...I totally understand the reasoning why to prune as I explained in resent post...but like those of you who said earlier, I really need to just sit back and watch the growing of the plant..(and that makes so much more sense to me now) and familiarize myself with just the logistics of how the plant grows and flowers 1st... So, now I can finally give my opinion to other knew beginners instead of asking a million questions to all of you veteran
So, to all you beginners like me who read this who don't want to spend as many hours as I did researching this I would really suggest AGAINST it...I'm not saying you should never prune and that there are no benefits...I'm just saying if your new like me then don't prune until your really familiarized with how the plant grows and flowers 1st (as I said above)...One of the most important things I've learned through my research today is that all the strains of MJ are all so different in the way they grow and flower that if your not even familiarized with the logistics of a few strains you'll probably just end up really hurting your plant...I should of just listened to you guys above who said this very thing!!! just watch closely on your !st grow an learn...


Well-Known Member
I only take off leaves if they're too close to the soil, and when it comes time to lollipop. The rest can be dealt with by tucking leaves away if
they're blocking a shoot.


New Member
Hello Everyone, I'm back after the last 6 hours of researching.....and...I severely changed my mind... I chose NOT to prune!!!!!! after all. At Least not with this harvest anyways...after watching video upon video and reading tons and tons on pruning I realized I am know where near KNOWING how to even begin...I totally understand the reasoning why to prune as I explained in resent post...but like those of you who said earlier, I really need to just sit back and watch the growing of the plant..(and that makes so much more sense to me now) and familiarize myself with just the logistics of how the plant grows and flowers 1st... So, now I can finally give my opinion to other knew beginners instead of asking a million questions to all of you veteran
So, to all you beginners like me who read this who don't want to spend as many hours as I did researching this I would really suggest AGAINST it...I'm not saying you should never prune and that there are no benefits...I'm just saying if your new like me then don't prune until your really familiarized with how the plant grows and flowers 1st (as I said above)...One of the most important things I've learned through my research today is that all the strains of MJ are all so different in the way they grow and flower that if your not even familiarized with the logistics of a few strains you'll probably just end up really hurting your plant...I should of just listened to you guys above who said this very thing!!! just watch closely on your !st grow an learn...
I like your style. Research on RIU is huge. You will learn a ton. You're also on my friends list so don't hesitate to PM me with questions.


New Member
I only prune one leaf per plant per day. I choose the one that blocks the most light and pluck it. If you do too many at one time, it'll piss your plants off.