Psilocybe caerulipes > Blue Foot ??? Is It ??? Pics...


Active Member
Anyone have knowledge about these.

I have seen a few pictures and these look like them to me.

First two pics are what I found.

Third pic is from the internet.

What do you think?

Is it psilocybe caerulipes? ? ? ?

+ Rep For any help.



Well-Known Member
Generally it isn't very safe to assume a mushroom from pictures on the internet. I wouldn't take it, but you could take a spore print and study it further, and if it is then you could grow them all you want. You can do a few tests to a live mushroom, but nothing that is definitive, nor anything that I would risk my life with as many poisonous species are look alike to other varieties.



Active Member
Mr. Kush Man,

Thanks for your 2 cents on this.

I was on a hike today and took my camera with me. I noticed these suckers off to the side of the path on a downed tree. I did not take them with me, just took some pictures.

I never planed on eating them as I do not know enough about them. Even if People say that is what they are.

I was just wondering if I stumbled across a patch of magic mushrooms on the hike.

The picture from the internet is the real thing. I know where I got the picture from.

They look pretty damn close to me........
