Puff-puff passed on, 2nd grow


Active Member
Since my 1st grow was a real learning curve I've started again. The 2 babies I had just a week ago moved on to that big bowl in the sky.

Using a cardboard box about 20x20x20 lined with mylar birthday wrap. Right now there are 4 26w 2700k and 2 26w 6500k getting the new batch started. I've riged a drop light as the central light source and 2 power strips with socket adaptors(currently 2 cfl's per strip and 2 in the drop light, as they grow i've got more bulbs and socket adaptors to add) Ventilation is 2 4" mini desk fans, together pumping out about 50cfm.

I decided to change gears by going with 5 6" sealed clay pots instead of my last settup with 2 10" plastic pots. If I lose some durring the grow I can always transplant whatever survivors to larger pots. Also got a much better grow medium. Tossed out the Hyponex and ordered some 100% Organic Whitney Farms Potting soil. Due to the all the nutrience packed in this soil I shouldn't have to worrie about nutes for about a month.

I want to try this line of organic nutes by Botanicare/Organicare. A friend hooked my up with this free sample bottle he got when he ordered a bunch of their products, though money is a little tight so he suggested hitting them up for a free varriety sample pack so I did. Since this will be a mini grow, no more than 12" I figure sample bottles the size I"ve got should do, 8oz Organicare "Grow" 3-2-3 with calcium and magnesium.

Anyone feel free to comment. I like many others can always use help, tips or suggestions or some friendly conversation

Peace :cool: :peace:



Active Member
No sprouts yet, but good and sad news a distributer of Organicare shot me an email(good) saying he'd like to send me a sample pack but hes out and that their supply won't be restocked for more than a month(sad), though he gave me a link to his supplier so I'll be hitting them up...crossing my fingers


Active Member
1 of 5 have popped and 2 more about to in a day or so they've peaked on the surface just waiting for their leaves to open up


Active Member
Right on man, gotta love the ghetto cardboard box grows, LoL. I'll be watchin, subscribed, good luck man.
Thanks. It does what i need it do. lol. I plan on converting a twin door cabinet or book case after this grow. A taller and a more perminant structure ya know

Another sprout, and a 3rd broke the surface just needs to open up those 1st set of fans


Active Member
2 bits of good news. The 3 sprouts are doing great, just waiting for the other 2. They look alot happier in this whitney farms soil than my last grow when i used hyponex.

2ndly the guy i buy from hooked it up with a half O of shake from his mersh(or reggie as i've heard it called too) on the house for being such a loyal customer. It's mersh but free weed is free weed ya know :-P:leaf:


Active Member
Sadly 2 of the newer sprouts gave up so i started more and they're all on their way. The 1st of the bunch is still good and strong. Waiting patiently for the others...crossing my fingers


Active Member
More sad news my only true strong sprout gave up as well. Don't think i did anything wrong with it but I am usind bag seed from some mexican brick mersh.

No worries i've got plenty more where they came from. Really hoping this grow turns out good cuz I want to grow some dank come this spring/summer.


Active Member
Just read a very informative thread about hard water. Looking back that might've been a contributing factor to my last grows failure. I'll be buying distiled and/or drinking to say the least.

I would recommend everyone living in AZ to do the same, the C.A.P. water is incredibly hard and the those hard minerals can cause a great grow to turn south...fast


Active Member
Sorry folks no pics yet cuz all i have are these shitty bag seeds. Once 1 pops they're only lasting a fews day. When I get what looks like stronger sprouts I make sure to post ASAP with pics


Active Member
I know its been a while since my last post but I don't know what to say...these mersh seeds must be old and drying out cuz none of them want to stay alive. Working on 3 seedlings I started in a wet paper towel and are now in soil waiting to pop their little heads out.

Its been suggested that my medium might be too rich. I've been using Whitney Farms organic potting soil that I had to adjust the ph slightly by using sulfur.

I know this is mildly possible but not sure how probible???


Active Member
To anyone still reading this will be my last message. Came home today to see all sprouts i had going turned up dead and dry as my mouth after smoking. Lol!

I'm gonna clean my room REAL good and maybe redesign my box because I can't find out why EVERYTHING keeps dying.



i was havin the same problem when i was first startin my babies first i tried a britta filter which was better but my water was so hard it was still like 400ppm in the water (floride chlorine calcium that kinda shit) then i finally got a reverse osmosis filter which brought it to 0ppm but pure water can suck nutes out of plant so u goda put a lil some in if it isnt in dirt which has some natural nutes this took care of my problem.can alway try gettin a jug of water from the store and just use it on babies till they get strong enough for a lil rougher water