

Active Member
Hey im trying to figure out what type a pump would be good for my system, theres sooo many ya noe? I got two 2 gallon buckets that i plan on growing out of.. i'd do bigger but the head room for the plant is shallow.... any suggestions? would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
any submersible pump with decent enough output, you wont need something huge, look for mini pumps on ebay and whatnot


Well-Known Member
What I have found about pumps is the size you need is determined by two things.
First is how high are you going to pump the water. second it how many sites are you going to water.

You want 100 gallons per hour for 6 plants pumping the water from the res up one foot to the grow area. 200 if going up 2 feet. Dont worry about size of the res because it flows back.

Most small growers use aquarium supples called power heads. If you need more power than that look at pond pumps. The larger you go the louder it gets.

If you allow the water to drop a foot or so back to the res you dont need airstones.
In my case I want stealth so I have my return water drop through a pvc pipe that runs into the water. no sound.

Anyway that gives you a starting point.

Good luck.