Ah... I really dont know.
I would be more worried about same yellowin n curved up or rolled tips of some leaves in the PHxM, in your Veg Week2 Day3 pics. Anyway I can see how in your lastest pics it looks better.
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Ah... I really dont know.
I would be more worried about same yellowin n curved up or rolled tips of some leaves in the PHxM, in your Veg Week2 Day3 pics. Anyway I can see how in your lastest pics it looks better.
That was nutrient burn. I fixed it. Too much Amino Aide too early.
Do you know what strain of the Haze causes these outward-pointing finger leaves?

¿Qué padre/madre/causa se enrosca/curva así?

View attachment 4181300


Look, amigo: right now cheking my little King Congo male, without any Oldtimers Haze in him (Congo Point Noire X SouthAfrican Ciskei Highlands; Tropical Seeds Co), I can see the same:






Incredible! Very cool! Definitely a dream for someone like me. I would spend my life tending fields if I could, with a self-sustaining farm. Respeto, Hermano.
tending fields if I could,

Je, je, je... To your eyes, mi primo: 80.000 plants same years ago not so far from me, in a close(next to mine) province. Not my pic:
(Btw, "our private joke": Indicas or Sativas ?):


PD: Look how healthy all the 80.000 plants look... Where would you say the pic is from.?: Mendocino?, Humbolt?, Caliweed?, Jamaica?, Thailand?, Morocco?, Nepal?, Green House Coffe Shop's garden?...
Nahhh: Albacete.


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Je, je, je... To your eyes, mi primo: 80.000 plants same years ago not so far from me, in a close(next to mine) province. Not my pic:
(Btw, "our private joke": Indicas or Sativas ?):

View attachment 4181731

PD: Look how healthy all the 80.000 plants look... Mendocino?, Humbolt?, Caliweed?, Jamaica?, Thailand?, Morocco?, Nepal?, Green House Coffe Shop's garden?...
Nahhh: Albacete.


That Jamaica, Nepal, Morocco, and Thai have my attention. Where might I find those?
This is MiG from OG.

Im afraid that I never will return to the New OG, friend: After my post were manipulated & reposted or censored there by OG without my agreement, n being offensed by the owner of No Mercy Seeds (when he talks about "Donkies' shit" he is refering to me) becouse I made public his líes inna the forum n his envy about the grows of this poor goats shepher... I complained about it to Lemonade Joe, n suddenly I wasent able to post anything, only was able to edit my last message.
The funny thing is that Lemonade Joe is still postin in my thread saking e "to stay n dont left OG" whe he knows that he banned me so I cant reply to him...
Besides to it, I flagged a false Hawaian Seeds Bank post where they threatened an unsatisfied customer who complained about publishing his data ... n nothing happened...

Please, excuse the off-topic; say me if do you want that I delete it.
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Im afraid that I never will return to the New OG, friend: After my post were manipulated & reposted or censored there by OG without my agreement, n being offensed by the owner of No Mercy Seeds (when he talks about "Donkies' shit" he is refering to me) becouse I made public his líes inna the forum n his envy about the grows of this poor goats shepher... I complained about it to Lemonade Joe, n suddenly I wasent able to post anything, only was able to edit my last message.
The funny thing is that Lemonade Joe is still postin in my thread saking e "to stay n dont left OG" whe he knows that he banned me so I cant reply to him...
Besides to it, I flagged a false Hawaian Seeds Bank post where they threatened an unsatisfied customer who complained about publishing his data ... n nothing happened...

Please, excuse the off-topic; say me if do you want that I delete it.
Wow. That’s pretty heinous. I’m probably going to follow your example. It can be competitive here, but I highly doubt anyone has anything bad to say about your immaculate and vast, beautiful farm.

Capitalismo de la
amigote bandito es un pinche puta. I’m here if you need anything, hermano. Cuidate.
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Sub’d! Who bred your strains?
I dunno why I didn’t see this before. They’re from ACE, which is a Spanish bank & breeder’s association specializing in landraces, particularly Sativas, and Sativa crosses. Oldtimer1 from Britain on another forum is the one who preserved this rendition of Haze.



I dunno why I didn’t see this before. They’re from ACE, which is a Spanish bank & breeder’s association specializing in landraces, particularly Sativas, and Sativa crosses. Oldtimer1 from Britain on another forum is the one who preserved this rendition of Haze.




Yes. OldTimers was a legend inna the Old Overgrow n CannabisWorld.
He have a lot of seeds from the first selled Haze in California by The Haze Brothers (the real Haze selled with the famouse poster that showed the green, purple, green-golden & silver-blue's genos). In order to preserve, selectec n makes it better, he did a public call n a "selection" between the best breeders inna Old OG & CW. Kaiki (Cannabiogen) n Dubi (A.C.E: Asociación de Cannabicultores Españoles) were the selected.(I think that people like Wolfman, Baudeliere, Bushmen & Kangativa, or Sam The Skunkman knowed the history better than me, anyway).
Your Purple Haze in your PHxM is an OT Haze's purple geno, too.
You can find his OT Haze in Cannabiogen, ACE n Tropical Seeds.
For a lot of people, OT Haze is the best n purest Haze avaliable...

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