purple pistils


Active Member
hey every one, sort of nrw here, bear with me as i figure things out. i just had a quick q? my pistils are turning purple, why


Well-Known Member
probably cold temps. livin in the north east and growin outside causes that. im assuming youre growing outside.

if not your grow room mightbe getting too cold or it could be strictly genetic.

Probably a little combo of both, the cold just brought out the slight purple pistol genetic.


Well-Known Member
Its been happening to me too, I'm closer to St Louis, I assume like budbro, that you are outside. Its actually a form of stress that causes the purple tones, because it is too cold. Lots of plants do it, my morning glories and trumpet vines have purple petioles and purple in their leaves too. I can only imagine how cold it is around chitown, I went there one year in march/april, and had my heavy winter coat. I was still cold lol


Well-Known Member
yeah spring in the north east is nasty! windy, wet, and still 30-40 degrees. alot of sleet/freezing rain happen around then


Active Member
its been unseasonably warm this year coldest temp thus far was 57° f . and that was last night. yes im outside, but in pots, with g.h veg newts and bloom boost for flower with a cali magic sub also from general hyrdroponics. been a great year thus far. 2 seeds are swazi skunk from singleseedcenter. and 2 in question are bag seeds fro a fellow grower, a o.g. skywalker is what i was told, but u know how that goes. thanks every one. im having trouble posting pix from my galixy s2, i seem to b able to change avitars so i will atempt to post a pic of the lady in question.