Purple Sour Diesel and Giesel Grow Damn thats Sour!!!


Active Member
Wow sours looking way better today. I just jumped on the new ac yesterday. Its a little portable ac 10,000 BTU but it seems to be doing the trick. Im dropping another 1000 in there today lets see how the lil ac does then. My temps are 74 in the bottom and 77 on top, 50% RH with a 1000 and a T5 with 4 bulbs which is equivalent to about 200 watts. I plan on leaving the T5 in between both 1000's so they can all get the different spectrums. I hope I can maintain under 80F that is my goal. I will have pics up for yall soon. I want to finalize it before I post any pics.

I just picked up some fire ass chocolate chunk and some kushage yesterday. Real good shit! Stoned off my ass writing right now. See u all laters.




Active Member
Looks great.
Those pillars of dense bush in the grobags;
I'd recommend pruning some lower buds next time you grow that pheno.

Or if you're interested, I can help you "prune" all that low shit without removing leaves,
and without stressing the plant out much.
But it's complicated.
Thanks pal. Im interested in your method. I am open to any advice or comments. Please feel free to post anything relating to this thread any time.

When you say remove all that baby new growth BS with out removing lower leaves. Do you mean like just carefully removing the growth with a razor and leaving the leaves down there? I usually just take all that shit off. Its not like they are big fan leaves or anything. Thanks for your input.


Well-Known Member
Basically the branches on the lower half of the plant,
you go from the bottom, and on each branch, you take a razor blade and remove all the side branches, leaving just the very tip.
And all the fan leaves are still on these sticks.

All those branches will now have a fat cola, and all that sucker bullshit bud won't exist.


Active Member
I didnt think those small leaves would do much for them. I am going to give it a try rather than just cut them off completely.


Active Member
afternnon mega, hows the garden??
Great pal thanks for asking. Plants looking real good. Sours are looking way better. The seedlings are plants already and bushing out nicely. Crazy shoots everywhere. Im really looking forward to these new strains. I have never grown the PPK or the Cheesey Kush before but I have seen and smoked the nuggz and they are crazy amazing fireeeee!!!

I just got a new ac unit. Its a 10,000 BTU portable it seems to be doing the job I am in the low 70's now and I am adding that other 1000 today. Ive been busy and kind of slacking to be honest with you, just been really tired with soo much going on. I will have some pics for you guys soon.


Active Member
Bored and stoned. Just thought I'd post a pic of my complete line up except for the Great White that was not in the pic and the new MOAB I just picked up. This stuff is supposed to be amazing. Anyone here using it? Its by Mad Farmer Im sure you've heard of it just curious if anyone has used it. Some people say to give it the first week of flowering and then week 5 and 6. Any input would be great. Thanks!

Picture 1186.jpg


Active Member
USA just have alot of UK buddies online. I know ur from the UK right? Hopefully one day I will travel to the UK and we can smoke some premium A+ trees out there. I would like to do a documentary and travel all over the world trying out different strains do some smoke reports and my experiences. I think it would be awesome!!


Rebel From The North
USA just have alot of UK buddies online. I know ur from the UK right? Hopefully one day I will travel to the UK and we can smoke some premium A+ trees out there. I would like to do a documentary and travel all over the world trying out different strains do some smoke reports and my experiences. I think it would be awesome!!
Thats a crazy sick idea! I would love to just drop everything and travel.


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy boy, I'm just fine, thank you for asking. I got this new job and have been working 10-15 hour days every day, so the second I get home I tell all my room mates to get the fuck out of my room because I'm hitting that pillow and going to sleep. No time for internet, barely time for the ladies in the garden, but luckily my new room mates have already been hard at work on them, and don't mind keeping it up for me. I moved recently to the shore from the mountains, and because of an issue I am stuck in the Living Room of this apartment for a few weeks, and a few weeks earlier, I started a bitching micro garden here because I knew I wanted to move. So I have a 600w exhaust blowing on me all the time, but it's not so bad. I have a sweet 3x3 scrog, one turned hermie in the first week of 12/12 so It's just 2 of them in 7 gal and their is a blank spot in back I haven't replaced yet because I can't get a clean donor plant. Might just stick a few 12/12 from seed right there just to use the light. All these plants have been 100% bug and mold free the entire grow, and we are entering week 4 of flower. The canopy is far from even, but that is because I was only here to train it once a week, maybe twice a week if I had a lot of time and gas to burn. I'll give more details and pictures later. I love this scrog so far, despite the ridiculously uneven canopy, it'll all work out great.

My garden at my old place is still under my old grow partner's care, they said they have harvested everything that was in late flower, but one plant fell victim to systemic PM, I really really liked the plant, but what can I do about it now? Just a h2o2 bath, and that always knocks the trichs off like crazy. But sounds like a heavy harvest that will fuel my new garden here. Veg garden over there did a 100% turn around after being put on Flora Nova and silica. Good fucking advise on that one!

The SFV OG has been my rockstar for 2 or 3 years now, but Swerve's new Hazy OG may very easily blow it out of the water entirely. I haven't even flowered it yet, but this beast is fucking CHAMPION!


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good, I keep on seeing all these people do soil grows. Every time I attempted one indoors I got bugs for some reason.. That's why I stick with hydro now too, more clean. But Looks good man!


New Member
Hiya pal hows things???
Have you heard of a Strain called Panama?? Its supposed to be a legendary starin but cant find any grows on it :(
Load of updates Tonight, look on my thread for things to do, could do with ya advise of de-leafing :)


Active Member
Actually wiimb I have heard of this strain. Which one are you talking about? They have panama red, panama gold, panama punch, and probably a few others I am not aware of. Panama Red is a legendary strain and very popular in the 70's. The panama strains that I have heard of were basically columbian red and accapulco gold seeds that were taken and grown in panama. This is how they picked up the name, they also looked a bit different and grew differently because of the different climates. Hope this helps. You wouldnt happen to have any pics or info about genetics?

I also found out the panama strain was used to cross with other strains. I know that panama is a sativa with a long flowering period of 12 weeks. Check out reeferman seeds. I heard they have some panama hybrids although Im not sure if you can find the original seeds anymore.


New Member
i think its panama red m8 and i have no info on them just from wt thye said on the seed site ! :)


Active Member
I actually have found alot of info on the strain. I can pm you or give you some links. Whatever helps. I just edited my last post with some more info I picked up. What seed co did you find carries this strain??