Purple Stems and Falling over...


Active Member
ok so I started growing some plants like 3 days ago they sprouted and i moved them closer to the light i had 3 27watt cfls right on top of them last night the stem started turning purple and falling sideways im using 5 1 5 potting soil for now till they grow bigger so they dont burn with a 20 5 5 any suggestions? im watering them with distilled water... can they make it?


Well-Known Member
most of the time the purple is from them getting too cold at some point...maybe after lights off? And if you don't have a fan on them the stems may not be strong enough to support the growth.


Active Member
total agreement. Use twist ties to stand them up, just stick one end in the ground and form a shepherd crook shape with the other end around the stem of the plant in the direction it is falling to give it support. then, put a light breeze on them by way of fan. In the future ( i know it hurts to hear this) the fan should be blowing on them from the day you put the seeds in the ground so they grow up used to this with tough stems. No joke, i did it this way and one day a light chain swung down and clipped two of my seedlings and they were just fine.