purple stems and yellowing of bottom leaves


So I can't figure out quite what the problem is. Ive seemed to have purple stems for a while now and can't get rid of them. I've been told from friends It might be a calMag def, and also could possibly a nitrogen or potassium def. Figured id post some pics and get some other opinions. The plants have now started to show a little yellow at the bottom of plant, and seems to look a little lighter in color. Some of the yellow leaves have a little brown as well


chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
and you are not using cal/mag I am assuming. MJ really loves that cal/mag and b y using r/o you not only add water that has it removed, it helps reduce the actual amount in the medium. That causes lockout of all kinds of goodies.


Well-Known Member
why not just simple adjust you ph to uptake more mag and cal
ither 5.3 for cal and 5.8 for mag in hydro and 6.5 in soil


Well-Known Member
I ph everything to 6.3-6.5 already.
6.5 is min you need for uptake of cal and mag in soil try uping it to 6.6 6.7 as you can see from the chart 6.5 is the bottom of what your trying to give the plant


It looks fine the yellowing happens when the plants lacking nutes tho and its feeding off its own lower fan leaves, so hes definatley right about the deficiency. buy some cal/mag i got some at walmart for 5$ a huge bag. they definatley do love it


if the new growth is looking happy and its only the bottom leaves yellowing and nothing else then id say its fine tho. i tend to worry more when signs of deficiencys or PH imbalances appear on newer growth. theres alot of things ive read and heard tho about the yellowing of the lower fan leaves. im still fairly new and learning alot. but thats my input. its all a learning experience for sure, thanks for sharing. hopefully its nothing too bad (also certain strains will determine stem color ive been told)


Keep it at 76-80, humidity is lower than id like at 35, because it's glue. Growing in sunshine advanced soil, with earth juice nutes.


Well-Known Member
Keep it at 76-80, humidity is lower than id like at 35, because it's glue. Growing in sunshine advanced soil, with earth juice nutes.
What's your feeding schedule like? Feed, water, Feed,water? In soil you don't want to feed every watering because salts build up. So if you have been constantly feeding flush them. If you haven't been, up your feeding concentration a bit and make sure you are adding yur calmag if you nute line doesn't provide it. I'm not familiar with those nutes. I'd also raise humidity in veg