purple weed


Active Member
so im growing a purple haze and ive read that it takes cold to turn weed purple.....is this true or will automatically turn purple since its purple haze??? and if it does take cold will dehumdifying the air drop the temp low enough to do so??? (i live in houston, tx so humidity here plays a big part in our temp...)


Active Member
ok guys but regardless of its strain if its a purple plant seed would i need cold to turn it purple and if so will a dehumidifyer do the trick??


Active Member
For the actual leaves to turn purple you'll need cold, but the pistils should purple up regardless as the ripe sign, that's what mine are doing anyway.


Well-Known Member
Like any other plant it turns varing degrees of purple when its cold. I am pretty sure that cold had alot to do with it, but the strain does also. There are purple collered elephant ears, and there are also green kinds. I am not sure tempeture matters with that. Plus i have help on to some grandaddy purp for a long while and the purple kinda turned green after it got real dry. So I am not sure but I see wally world now sells "room a'c" units. HAHAHAHA, wonder what thats for...hmmmmmmm, mao mart is so sneaky.


Well-Known Member
i heard u can make bud turn purple if you put it in the freezer for 20-30mins halfway through or after drying before curing it but dont know how tru this is


Active Member
Like any other plant it turns varing degrees of purple when its cold. I am pretty sure that cold had alot to do with it, but the strain does also. There are purple collered elephant ears, and there are also green kinds. I am not sure tempeture matters with that. Plus i have help on to some grandaddy purp for a long while and the purple kinda turned green after it got real dry. So I am not sure but I see wally world now sells "room a'c" units. HAHAHAHA, wonder what thats for...hmmmmmmm, mao mart is so sneaky.
lol yea i think the owners of wally world are possible groweres haha yea but i have no place really in my grow room for an a/c unit as there is no window or anything for it to sit in. thats why i was thinkin dehumidifyer but it looks like that wont be able to get the room cold enough if your suggesting an a/c unit!!


Well-Known Member
OMG is that picture you!!!! its so freakin creepy lookin, this is who i expect to see lurking around subway stations at midnight stalking pretty young girls


Active Member
a dehumidifier shouldn't bring the room temp down anyways, only take the humidity out of the room... to humans its how humid out it is which determins how hot we think it is, aka in the desert it could be 110 and not humid,and only feel like 95 but in the mountains it could be 90 and humid could feel like 110.


Active Member
a dehumidifier shouldn't bring the room temp down anyways, only take the humidity out of the room... to humans its how humid out it is which determins how hot we think it is, aka in the desert it could be 110 and not humid,and only feel like 95 but in the mountains it could be 90 and humid could feel like 110.
ok so all it will do is make it feel like its cooler but it wont actually drop the temp??


Active Member
I smoked Purple haze here a few times here in the UK within the last year or so. But personally I didnt like it. Stopped ALL brain function haha I just had to sleep it off, did smoke about a 1/4 though... counting out the sprayed crap, it's the must unpleasurable high I've experienced to date :P (only got 7 years smoking behind me tho haha)


Active Member
so im growing a purple haze and ive read that it takes cold to turn weed purple.....is this true or will automatically turn purple since its purple haze??? and if it does take cold will dehumdifying the air drop the temp low enough to do so??? (i live in houston, tx so humidity here plays a big part in our temp...)

If its the correct phenotype and actually, truely the plant known as purple haze then yes it will turn purple with/without cold. Its all in the genes man, just read Mendel's laws of genetics. DD x dd =Dd

Otherwise, fake it and dip the cut/harvested plant into some purple food coloring. Itll be purple and taste like shit when you smoke it, but by the power of greyskull it WILL.... BE..... PURPLE!!!!!

You're homies will think your a straight up mr wizard type pimp and the ladies will flock to you like bees to honey and flies to shit. Oh the opportunities that will open up for you....you just have no idea what power the purple weed gonna do. Boats and hoes, chains and clothes man.

Seriously though, good luck to you kind sir.