ques. bout bugs... damn


Active Member
ok I had a bug prob when my clones were 2 weeks in veg.... and I sprayed em down with safer organic indoor plant spray and it worked great... but they r bak again.. especially on one of my clones... :(.. so I sprayed em down again last nite and I looked now and there r more black specs on the back of sum leaves...???r they dyin and runnin up the plant??? or should I spray em down again?? cuz the directions say spray once evry 3-7 days when bugs r present.. oh ya and why do sum branchs have leaves with only 3 or 4 leafs on em and sum have 5 and 7??? and sum of my branches r purple... is that cuz im growin granddaddy??? my leaves r getting purpley also yay!!! unless that's bad.. hahah thnx


Well-Known Member
what bugs? spider mites are kinda nasty. But overall, kill the bugs, but the eggs they laid are going to hatch. Gotta go 2-4 rounds, for all bugs.


Well-Known Member
oh ya and why do sum branchs have leaves with only 3 or 4 leafs on em and sum have 5 and 7???
Some strains grow like that. All the young growth will do that but once it fills out you will see the full set.

Bugs are coming back probably because they're hatching in your soil. Try neem oil and spray on your leaves that should fuck them up. Warning though, use less per litre dilution than on the bottle. Young clones will get smoked by full strength neem. If say it says 7mils per litre, I would use 2 mils. Premix the neem in a little warm water to dissolve it then add it to the litre of water in your spray bottle.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like spidermites to me. I am dealing with them too.

You kill them but the eggs hatch in 3 to 7 days. depends on the heat.

So although the directions say 7 to 10 days or whatever they didnt know you were growing inside and the dam bugs breed faster.

I agree with everything in above posts too.