Question about a water culture setup


Active Member
Hi all. I plan to start my first grow here soon, and I am in the initial stages of planning out my setup. I would like an as 'low-maintenance' hydroponics setup as possible (set-and-forget, so to speak), and I have some newbie questions regarding how to do that.

So, is there a DWC setup that I could use that would basically require no more than an initial setup or change for each stage of growth? What I mean is, is there some way I could avoid using water pumps and reservoirs and etc., by simply choosing a method that would allow me to create the water/nute mix for veg, then when the time comes dump and switch that out for a water/nute mix for flower (at the same time switching the lights to 12/12)?

This will be a simple, low-scale CFL grow with no more than probably 6-12 plants (depending on my availablle space). My loose plan is to veg and fruit in the same chamber and with no transplanting after clones, so if possible I need something that is as easy as switching out the water/nutes and changing the light schedule.

Thanks in advance!

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU damn....if you want to keep it stupid simple, consider hempy (AKA drain to waste), very easy way to learn the ABC of hydro